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6 117Activities
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21 El-Mosheer Ahmed Ismail St, Sheraton Al Matar, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 4
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
5 years, 1 month ago[Automatic translation follows] We have #tax bills with all legal guarantees and at the lowest electronic percentage, and all items and activities are also available. There are bills for old and new years, and companies are not fake.
And if you are a supplier and do not have a strike card, a commercial record, an added values, and I want to supply a company we want to supply for you on the paper of a company according to your field in all contracting guarantees in an excellent rate
And guarantees are as follows:-
1- The commercial record copy.
2- The image of the tax card.
3- A certificate of proving added value.
4- Cash receipt.
5- There is an Esta's response
Because no one understands that we are in violation of the law, the coverage, with the coming of importers, who have a large tax balance, and we buy it from them in very good proportions.
We mean, 100 % sound
It will receive a fabric of 14 % full
100% state and take its entire dues and legal work
Construction, Road Sector, Interior Design, Exterior Design, Pavement Engineering, Road Bed, Road Studs, Filling-Up, FIRM Soil, Coarse Agregate, Cut, Cutting Road, Sub-Grade, Transportation, Accounting, Supplies, Accounting, Trading, Contracting, and Metal
يوجد لدينا #فواتير_ضريبية بكافة الضمانات القانونية وبأقل نسبة إلكترونية ومتوفر ايضا جميع البنود والأنشطة ويوجد فواتير لسنوات قديمه وجديده و الشركات فعليه وليست وهميه
ولو انت مورد ومش معاك بطاقه ضربيه وسجل تجاري وقيمه مضافه وعايز تورد ع ورق شركه نقوم بالتوريد لك علي ورق شركه حسب مجالك بكافه الضمانات التعاقديه وبنسبه ممتازه
والضمانات كالاتي :-
1- صورة السجل التجارى .
2- صورة البطاقة الضريبية .
3- شهادة إثبات القيمة المضافة .
4- ايصال استلام نقدية .
5-يوجد رد استيفا
عشان محدش يفهم أننا مخالفين للقانون التغطيات بتيجي من مستوردين بيكون عندهم رصيد ضريبي كبير واحنا بنشتريه منهم بنسب كويسه جدا
يعني شغلنا سليم ١٠٠٪
هيوصلك فاتوره متسجله ١٤٪كاملين
100% الدوله واخده مستحقاتها بالكامل واعمالنا قانونيه
construction, road sector, interior design, exterior design, Pavement Engineering, Road bed, Road studs, Filling – up, Firm Soil, Coarse Aggregate , cut, Cutting road, Sub-grade, TRANSPORTATION , accounting , supplies , accounting, trading, contracting, and metal
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