  • CEO-Vision SAS

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,182 856 1,352 1,352
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    74 Rue Louis Rustin 3, 74160 Archamps, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 19


  • Engaged corporates

    5 14
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    GoFAST #DigitalWorkplace #GED : alternative souveraine #Opensource en SaaS ou Onpremise à #Office365 #SharePoint #Teams

    CEO-Vision was set up based on two conclusions : companies are no longer able to work effectively with current tools ( mail-boxes, file servers, intranet) while a fierce competition requires them agility and efficiency. Furthermore, the difficult economy demands to restrain IT costs.

    Our values: Customer satisfaction, listening, responsiveness and reliability are our values

    Devoted to CEO-Vision philosophy, we count on one top priority which is to satisfy our customers and therefore your users. Our strength is to understand the needs of users and perfetly adjust the response, bringing the most appropriate technologies.

    Collaborative ECM GoFAST Meets the Real Need: Mastering Information

    The GoFast platform by CEO-Vision is a fully unique concept, inspired by the current challenges your company face, which are :

    - better collaborate while limiting the use of email,
    - better manage the content to easier find and share it
    - improve productivity of your business
    - increase the agility of your staff
    - control IT costs

    Our GoFast platform was born from the understanding that companies could not only organize their work around e-mails, file servers, and for some of them, a low collaborative intranet.

    Indeed, the exponential increase in the number of emails, documents and contents of all kinds result in that the essential information is drowned. Many studies show the extremely high costs of time spent searching for information or due to interruptions including by email. The annual additional costs amount to thousands of dollars per employee.

    Innovative Concept, Fast Setup Limiting Costs and Risks

    The issue encountered in many technological solutions (Open Source or Proprietary) is a monolithic approach with the same application attempting to do everything, for example portal, document management, process management...
    Unfortunately it is unusual to be able to allocate enough resources to excel in all fields of technology.

    Édition de logiciels d'entreprise, GED collaborative, Digital Workplace, Workflows, Web-conférence, Chat, Travail Collaboratif, Bonitasoft , Alfresco, OnlyOffice, Drupal, Open Source, Télétravail, Open Source, Co-édition Office, Jitsi meet, e-signature, and GED

  • Original language

    GoFAST #DigitalWorkplace #GED : alternative souveraine #Opensource en SaaS ou Onpremise à #Office365 #SharePoint #Teams

    CEO-Vision est l'éditeur de GoFAST :

    > Initié en 2010, CEO-Vision SAS a consacré plus de 2 ans de R&D à sélectionner, améliorer et intégrer les meilleures technologies Open-source pour créer un produit unique, la plate-forme collaborative et de GED, GoFAST.

    > CEO-Vision forme, accompagne les équipes dans le changement et propose un Pôle Conseil pour une transformation digitale réussie et une sortie progressive des technologies propriétaires coûteuses.

    GoFAST, le Digital Workplace :

    Parmi les Digital-Workplaces les plus puissants sur le marché, GoFAST est une alternative Open-Source innovante à Office365-SharePoint-Teams, capable de remplacer l'obsolète serveur de fichiers pour : zéro doublon, zéro pièce-jointe, zéro erreur de version, zéro temps perdu à rechercher et zéro tâche oubliée.

    GoFAST permet de gérer vos documents du modèle à la e-signature, dématérialiser les processus métiers et tâches, centraliser les commentaires, discussions, Webconférences... au bureau, en télétravail ou en mobilité.

    L'équipe CEO-Vision :

    Notre devise ‘‘Technology made Simple’’ illustre notre philosophie : Pas de technologie pour la technologie, mais une technologie au service des utilisateurs permettant des gains de productivité significatifs.

    Satisfaction utilisateurs, écoute et réactivité sont nos valeurs

    L’équipe CEO-Vision est réputée pour être réactive et très impliquée dans les projets. La gestion du changement joue un rôle central dans le succès d’un projet, bien accompagner tous les utilisateurs sans en laisser ‘’au bord de la route’’ est crucial.

  • CEO-Vision | GoFAST GED Opensource Collaborative & Digital Workplace (fr)

    GoFAST est la meilleure alternative souveraine et opensource à Sharepoint, Teams, Alfresco et autres plateformes de DigitalWorkplace

  • https://www.ceo-vision.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Digital League
Digital League
Public business cluster, Software Development
Digital League
Public business cluster, Software Development

15 Nov 2024

Groupe BPCE
Groupe BPCE
Bank, Banking
Groupe BPCE
Bank, Banking

11 May 2023

Consulting, Information Services
Consulting, Information Services

9 Mar 2023

IMA - Innovation Makers Alliance
IMA - Innovation Makers Alliance
NGO, Think Tank, Non-profit Organizations
IMA - Innovation Makers Alliance
NGO, Think Tank, Non-profit Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

24 Jan 2017

Bank, Financial Services
Bank, Financial Services

6 Dec 2019

La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
National and local authorities, Government Administration
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
National and local authorities, Government Administration

20 Jan 2021

11 Aug 2023

Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting
Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting

12 Nov 2018

IT Services and IT Consulting
IT Services and IT Consulting

23 Dec 2022

Dassault Systèmes
Dassault Systèmes
IT services, Software Development
Dassault Systèmes
IT services, Software Development
Not capitalistic

18 Nov 2019

Région Ile de France
Région Ile de France
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Ile de France
National and local authorities, Government Administration

30 Jun 2021

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