L'association Prévention Routière se bat depuis 70 ans pour changer les comportements sur la route. En 2017, elle lance son label Ville Prudente #VillePrudente" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="77278" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Association Prévention Routière"> 14,072 5,327
Entity types
33 Rue de Mogador, 75009 Paris, France
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 199
595660341Engaged corporates
91Added in Motherbase
5 years agoEnsemble, changeons les comportements sur la route.
The Association Prévention Routière is a non-governmental, non-profit making association created in 1949 to study and promote effective initiatives to improve road safety by all suitable means.
For example, around 1 million children and teenagers receive a road safety education each year and 20,000 drivers take part in the rehabilitation programmes organised by the association for traffic offenders, that serve as an alternative to prosecution.
The Association Prévention Routière has also set up a special training programme for senior drivers on a voluntary basis, and offers its expertise to private companies to help them to reduce their occupational road risk.
Finally, millions of French people are reached by the road safety campaigns, the information brochures and the leaflets of the Association Prévention Routière.
The Association Prévention Routière is supported by 100,000 members and donors.
To find out more about us : www.preventionroutiere.asso.fr
Education, Sensibilisation, formation, and prevention routière
Ensemble, changeons les comportements sur la route.
Créée en 1949, l'association Prévention Routière est reconnue d'utilité publique en 1955. Elle conduit ses actions dans de multiples domaines : éducation routière des enfants et adolescents, sensibilisation et information du grand public et formation continue des conducteurs (infractionnistes, salariés des entreprises, seniors). Elle intervient régulièrement auprès des pouvoirs publics pour faire des propositions visant à améliorer la sécurité routière.
50 000 actions menées sur le terrain grâce à vos dons et à l'engagement de nos 1 300 bénévoles, rejoignez-nous !