  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The circle of decision -makers of French ISDs, extension of the IMA focused on the challenges of transformation of the IT

    The Next-Gen IT circle brings together IT/DSI/CYBER decision-makers from the IMA adherent organizations on the subjects of evolution of IT and cybersecurity technologies, in order to share good practices and recommendations, Compare experiences and reflections, and accelerate your projects.
    Extension of the IMA (www.ima-dt.org - main French -speaking consortium in technological directions - 130 members including 3/4 of the CAC40) specifically focused on the evolution and transformation of IT and cybersecurity, the circle "Next Gen it" brings together all IT managers (DSI/CIO, CTO, RSSI/CISO, dir. Infra, dir. Prod, and their teams) of the majority of large groups, ETI and French -speaking administrations.
    It is a community committed to clearing, understanding and enhancing the challenges of evolution of the CIO. An essential initiative to resolve the major technological challenges of our time.
    All year round: events, meetings, publications, working groups, masterclasses, lunches and dinners of prospective reflection, talks of inspiring experts and personalities, benchmarks, make it possible to progress in your trades and to share between peers good practices, recommendations , or pitfalls to avoid.
    Our subjects:
    - Governance and management of IS performance (Observability and Supervision, Finops, Green IT / CSR, Recruitment and Competence, Strategy, etc.),
    - Business architecture (Devops and CI/CD, Data Centric, Data Lake, Data Mesh, IT/IOT, Open Source, Kubernetes, Containeurization, Micro Services, Serverless, Edge Computing, etc.)
    - IT infrastructure (hybrid/private/public cloud, multicloud governance, Move to Cloud strategy, sovereign cloud, digital workplace and work hybridization, AIOPS, automation, etc.)
    - Cybersecurity (resilience, new threats such as ransomware, zero trust, secure access service edge (SAS), AA in the service of cyber resilience, etc.)

  • Original language

    Le cercle des décideurs des DSI françaises, extension de l'IMA focalisée sur les défis de transformation de l'IT

    Le cercle Next-Gen IT rassemble les décideurs IT/DSI/Cyber des 130 organisations adhérentes de l'IMA sur les sujets d’évolution des métiers et des technologies de l’IT et de la Cybersécurité, afin de partager bonnes pratiques et recommandations, confronter expériences et réflexions, et accélérer ses projets.
    Extension de l’IMA (www.ima-dt.org - principal consortium francophone de directions technologiques - 130 adhérents dont 3/4 du CAC40) focalisée spécifiquement sur l’évolution et la transformation de l’IT et de la CyberSécurité, le cercle "Next Gen IT" rassemble l'ensemble des responsables IT (DSI/CIO, CTO, RSSI/CISO, Dir. Infra, Dir. Prod, et leurs équipes) de la majorité des Grands Groupes, ETI et Administrations francophones.
    C’est une communauté engagée pour défricher, comprendre et valoriser les enjeux d’évolution de la DSI. Une initiative essentielle pour résoudre les grands défis technologiques de notre époque.
    Toute l’année : événements, rencontres, publications, groupes de travail, masterclasses, déjeuners et dîners de réflexion prospective, talks d’experts et de personnalités inspirantes, benchmarks, permettent de progresser dans vos métiers et de partager entre pairs bonnes pratiques, recommandations, ou écueils à éviter.
    Nos sujets :
    - Gouvernance et Pilotage de la Performance du SI (Observabilité et Supervision, FinOps, Green IT / RSE, Recrutement et compétence, stratégie, etc.),
    - Architecture d’Entreprise (DevOps et CI/CD, Data Centric, Data Lake, Data Mesh, IT/IoT, Open Source, Kubernetes, conteneurisation, micro services, Serverless, Edge Computing, etc.)
    - Infrastructures IT (Cloud Hybride/Privé/Public, gouvernance Multicloud, stratégie Move to Cloud, cloud souverain, Digital Workplace et hybridation du travail, AIOps, Automatisation, etc.)
    - Cybersécurité (résilience, nouvelles menaces comme le ransomware, Zero Trust, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), IA au service de la cyber résilience, etc.)

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

27 Jan 2025

Sofinnova Partners
Sofinnova Partners
Financial Services
Sofinnova Partners
Financial Services

20 Nov 2024


17 Oct 2024

Direction générale du Trésor
Direction générale du Trésor
National and local authorities
Direction générale du Trésor
National and local authorities

24 Oct 2024

La Mêlée
La Mêlée
IT Services and IT Consulting
La Mêlée
IT Services and IT Consulting

30 Oct 2024

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

28 Oct 2024

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

31 Oct 2024

IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National)
GIS, Government Administration

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IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

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