
    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
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    152 95
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  • Location

    Bâtiment 69, 23 Rue du Loess, 67200 Strasbourg, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

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    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    EU project about innovations in nanomedicine

    NANOTRANSMED is a European project, led by a french-german-swiss consortium and cofinanced by the INTERREG VA Upper Rhine Programme.
    NANOTRANSMED enables French, German and Swiss scientists to develop together applications and innovations in nanomedicine.
    The NANOTRANSMED consortium focuses in particular on issues concerning early, reliable and fast diagnosis but also personalized treatment of diseases such as cancers and inflammation as well as issues regarding nosocomial infections contracted by 5% of hospitalized patients.

    Nanomedicine, Biomaterials, Circulating Materials, Implants, Nano-object/living environment interaction, Photothermal therapy, MRI, Microbubbles, Optoacoustic imaging, Magnetic hyperthermia, Protein corona, and Anti-fouling properties

  • Original language

    EU project about innovations in nanomedicine

    NANOTRANSMED is a European project cofinanced by the INTERREG VA Upper Rhine Programme which enables French, German and Swiss scientists to develop applications and innovations in nanomedicine.
    Nanosciences and nanotechnologies applications for biomedical and clinical purposes raise high expectations. On the basis of new approaches, made possible by the use of nano-objects (probes, smart implants), it is now possible to create innovative and efficient solutions meeting major issues regarding patients’ care.
    The NANOTRANSMED consortium focuses in particular on issues concerning early, reliable and fast diagnosis but also personalized treatment of diseases such as cancers and inflammation as well as issues regarding nosocomial infections.
    The scientists of the NANOTRANSMED consortium rely on a “multifunctional” approach, based on the dendritic materials technology. The aim is to graft polyvalent branched molecules – dendrimers – on a substrate in order to create multi-functional objects or surfaces. The researchers aim at developing, designing and improving biocompatible and innovative nano-objects (circulating probes or implant’ coatings) by conferring them: specific targeting capacities, antibacterial properties, enhanced in vivo stability, furtivity in order to escape the RES, reduced toxicity.
    The objectives of the project in terms of improved patients’ care thanks to nanomedicine are the following: 1) Establish an early, fast and reliable diagnosis by improving the targeting efficiency of imaging probes, 2) Deliver a personalized treatment, by the development of nano-objects capable of efficiently combining targeted treatment and therapy monitoring , 3) Fight nosocomial infections linked to invasive interventions.
    These new probes and implant coatings will be directly used at the end of the project by the Hospitals of Basel or Freiburg, as well as by any company, biotech or equipment supplier in the field of diagnosis, therapy or implantology .

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
BioValley France
BioValley France
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
BioValley France
Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

16 May 2019

European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)
European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)
Startup accelerator & VC, Information Services
European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)
Startup accelerator & VC, Information Services

26 Apr 2019

Research, Research Services
Research, Research Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

3 Apr 2019

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