  • Value proposition

    Disrupting Healthcare - De-risking Innovation - Transforming Technologies

    BIOASTER Technology Research Institute (TRI) is working to develop an unique technological and innovative model to support the latest challenges in microbiology, in particular to :
    -Fight antimicrobials resistance.
    -Improve vaccines safety and efficacy.
    -Quickly diagnose infections at patient bedside.
    -take full advantage to human and animal microbiota.

    In order to overcome technological bottlenecks and explore new avenues, BIOASTER is leading collaborative projects that bring together academics, start-ups, SMEs and industrial groups around key thematic and technology units.
    Each project strives on academic research excellence and is undertaken by a team of high-level experts and engineers, which benefits from state-of-the-art equipment, technological infrastructures.

    BIOASTER, an independent non-profit organization, is one of 8 French TRIs created in 2012 on the initiative of the French Government through the “Investments for the Future” program. The two historical founders are Lyonbiopôle (a biocluster, the one-stop shop for healthcare innovation in Rhône-Alpes, France) and the Institut Pasteur in Paris. They were joined from the beginning by the CNRS, the INSERM, the CEA, Mérieux Institute, Danone Nutricia Research and Sanofi Pasteur -and newly joined by bioMérieux- to create a unique Technology Institute dedicated to infectious diseases and microbiology in health. The Institute benefits from the support of Lyon Métropole and the Region Auvergne Rhône Alpes and the dynamism of a group of 40 SMEs in the Lyon and Paris regions.

    Located in Lyon and Paris, BIOASTER has more than 100 employees including 80 world-class scientists and engineers originating from 16 different countries.

    More information on www.bioaster.org

    Biotechnology, Infectious diseases, Microbiota, Vaccines, Antimicrobials, Diagnostic, and Microbiology

  • Original language

    Disrupting Healthcare - De-risking Innovation - Transforming Technologies

    BIOASTER Technology Research Institute (TRI) is working to develop an unique technological and innovative model to support the latest challenges in microbiology, in particular to :
    -Fight antimicrobials resistance.
    -Improve vaccines safety and efficacy.
    -Quickly diagnose infections at patient bedside.
    -take full advantage to human and animal microbiota.

    In order to overcome technological bottlenecks and explore new avenues, BIOASTER is leading collaborative projects that bring together academics, start-ups, SMEs and industrial groups around key thematic and technology units.
    Each project strives on academic research excellence and is undertaken by a team of high-level experts and engineers, which benefits from state-of-the-art equipment, technological infrastructures.

    BIOASTER, an independent non-profit organization, is one of 8 French TRIs created in 2012 on the initiative of the French Government through the “Investments for the Future” program. The two historical founders are Lyonbiopôle (a biocluster, the one-stop shop for healthcare innovation in Rhône-Alpes, France) and the Institut Pasteur in Paris. They were joined from the beginning by the CNRS, the INSERM, the CEA, Mérieux Institute, Danone Nutricia Research and Sanofi Pasteur -and newly joined by bioMérieux- to create a unique Technology Institute dedicated to infectious diseases and microbiology in health. The Institute benefits from the support of Lyon Métropole and the Region Auvergne Rhône Alpes and the dynamism of a group of 40 SMEs in the Lyon and Paris regions.

    Located in Lyon and Paris, BIOASTER has more than 100 employees including 80 world-class scientists and engineers originating from 16 different countries.

    More information on www.bioaster.org

  • BIOASTER - The first Institute for technological innovation

    BIOASTER Technology Research Institute is working to develop an unique technological and innovative model to support the latest challenges in microbiology.

  • https://www.bioaster.org/
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