  • Loving HR

    Created in 2017
  • Social networks

    547 555
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Heeper Str. 54, 33607 Bielefeld, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    0 3
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Loving HR is the podcast with Jens Kollmann for exciting news and topics from the HR area.

    Loving HR is the podcast for exciting news and topics from the personnel area. I inform HR makers and interested people about current trends and have discussions with interesting personalities from the Human Resources area. This is about New Work, Recruiting, Development, Employer Branding, Learning, Software, Talents, Analytics, Startups and Much more-because I think there was never a more exciting time for personnel topics than right now!


    Human Resources, Personnel, Topics and Trends, Podcast, HR, New Work, Podcast, Digitization, Development, Recruiting, Employer Brand, Training and Coaching, Organization, and Startups

  • Original language

    Loving HR ist der Podcast mit Jens Kollmann für spannende News und Themen aus dem Personalbereich.

    Loving HR ist der Podcast für spannende News und Themen aus dem Personalbereich. Ich informiere HR-Macher und -Interessierte über aktuelle Trends und führe Gespräche mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus dem Bereich Human Resources. Hier geht es um New Work, Recruiting, Development, Employer Branding, Learning, Software, Talents, Analytics, Startups und vieles mehr – denn ich finde: Nie gab es eine spannendere Zeit für Personal-Themen als genau jetzt!


    Human Resources, Personal, Themen und Trends, Podcast, HR, New Work, Podcast, Digitalisierung, Development, Recruiting, Employer Branding, Training und Coaching, Organisation, and Startups

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche Telekom
Telecoms, Telecommunications
Deutsche Telekom
Telecoms, Telecommunications

19 Apr 2018

IT services, Software, Software Development
IT services, Software, Software Development

4 Jan 2021

Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing

25 Jul 2018

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