  • LOGIK & CO.

    Created in 2001
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    176 1,693
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Ryesgade 23, 2200 København, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 16

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Good craftsmanship, sustainability and social responsibility

    The construction company LOGIK & CO. is an award-winning, Copenhagen-based construction company with a focus on quality, sustainability and social responsibility.

    LOGIC & CO. solves all types of craft and contractor tasks, new construction, additions and renovations, as well as, of course, very small hourly cases. Construction for the public sector forms part of our tasks, but our customers are primarily housing associations and companies as well as private individuals. Our primary task type is renovation and conversion of Copenhagen's existing buildings, but we also carry out a lot of new construction.

    Our construction managers have more than 25 years of experience and are made up of different backgrounds in the construction industry to ensure a broad competence base.

    The company currently employs around 50 people, mostly skilled carpenters, joiners, bricklayers and electricians, but we also have our own forge. LOGIC & CO is known for having many apprentices and prioritizes education, therefore we currently have 14 apprentices.
    Our company is known for a respectful and pleasant dialogue and manner of dealing on the construction site, both internally and towards all business partners.

    For reasons of energy and working environment, our area of ​​operation is limited to the capital city area.

    We conduct a constructive dialogue with the client and advisers, just as we continuously create documentation and quality assurance during the construction process. In surveys from the Construction Evaluation Center, we are praised for management in particular and have top marks in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Original language

    Godt håndværk, bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

    Byggefirmaet LOGIK & CO. er en prisbelønnet, københavnsk entreprenørvirksomhed med fokus på kvalitet, bæredygtighed og social ansvarlighed.

    LOGIK & CO. løser alle typer håndværks- og entreprenøropgaver nybyggeri, tilbygninger og renoveringer samt naturligvis helt små timesager. Byggeri for det offentlige udgør en del af vores opgaver, men vores kunder er primært boligforeninger og virksomheder samt private. Vores primære opgavetype er renovering og ombygning af Københavns eksisterende bygningsmasse, men vi udfører også meget nybyggeri.

    Vores byggeledere har mere end 25 års erfaring og er sammensat med forskellig baggrund i byggebranchen for at sikre et bredt kompetencegrundlag.

    Virksomheden beskæftiger pt. omkring 50 personer flest faglærte tømrere, snedkere, murere og elektrikere, men vi har også vores egen smedje. LOGIK & CO er kendt for at have mange lærlinge og prioriterer uddannelser, derfor har vi 14 lærlinge pt.
    Vores firma er kendt for en respektfuld og behagelig dialog og omgangsform på byggepladsen både internt og overfor alle samarbejdspartnere.

    Vores operationsområde er af energi- og arbejdsmiljømæssige hensyn afgrænset til Hovedstadsområdet.

    Vi fører konstruktiv dialog med bygherre og rådgivere, ligesom vi løbende laver dokumentation og kvalitetssikring under byggeprocessen. Ved undersøgelser fra Byggeriets Evaluerings Center får vi ros for netop styring og har topkarakterer i kundetilfredshed og -loyalitet.

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