  • Value proposition

    EUROGIN is the world’s leading international congress on HPV infection and associated cancers.

    EUROGIN is the world's leading international congress on HPV infections and associated cancers with a focus on prevention and diagnostics.
    The event aims at translating scientific and evidence-based research into clinical practice through its high-quality and innovative program drawn up by outstanding international leaders. The conference offers a forum to exchange knowledge and experience with peers from all over the world.

    Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Head and Neck Cancers (HNC), International HPV Congress, and Continuing Medical Education (CME)

  • Original language

    EUROGIN is the world’s leading international congress on HPV infection and associated cancers.

    EUROGIN is the world's leading international congress on HPV infections and associated cancers with a focus on prevention and diagnostics.
    The event aims at translating scientific and evidence-based research into clinical practice through its high-quality and innovative program drawn up by outstanding international leaders. The conference offers a forum to exchange knowledge and experience with peers from all over the world.

  • EUROGIN - International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress

    EUROGIN is the leading international congress on HPV and its associated cancers offering a forum for scientific exchange aiming to translate research into clinical practice.

  • https://www.eurogin.com/en/home.html
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