  • Value proposition

    Our vision is a global community of Young Professionals creating a better world for current and future generations through local and global action.

    Our mission is informing, inspiring and equipping young professionals as sustainability practitioners and social change agents.

    Young professionals can be defined as individuals aged 21 to 40 in their early to middle careers. They are skilled, connected, passionate and make up a very sizable global demographic, running into the hundreds of millions. They have moved beyond the title of “youth” and are now effectively part of the professional establishment, connected through the organizations that employ them, and the improved opportunities to engage in various democratic processes. They are more receptive to new ideas and actual change. Young professionals are ideally placed to influence and capable of driving current and future change in the world. The IYPF exists to help young professionals realize this potential, to take advantage of this position, and to eventually help them take their place as the world leaders of tomorrow.

    Alleviating youth unemployment, Novel forms of value-adding labour, Promotion of democratic participation and local engagement, Sustainable development, and Cooperativism

  • 素朴な雑学で人生に彩を与えるブログ | ふとした時に思う疑問やお役立ち情報をお届けします。


  • https://triviaquest.jp
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Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

1 Oct 2016

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