  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] NGO which gathers mountain bikers to delve into the world of night riding on mountains.

    We are an association called Night Drivers of Croatia, and we mostly hang out in the Zagreb area, where we organize night drives once a week on Thursdays. We gather at the foot of Medvednica and pedal along technical forest paths to the top of Sljemen, where we cooperate with mountain lodges. Upstairs, we refresh ourselves briefly with klopa and booze and a few stories about the dark sides of Sljemen, and then we descend on the bike paths through the forest tangles of our dear Medvednica.

    We try to go to other places as well, so occasionally we go to Samobor to Oštrc or Slava Gora, and we follow larger marathons where we get involved in the organization and do a night ride as a prelude to the main event. Our goal is for you to be beautiful and healthy, to have fun with us and to ride as much as possible. We are happy to gather as many new bikers as possible and dispel myths about the fear of night riding due to ghosts in the forest. In addition to driving you, we are always here to give useful advice on equipment and how to drive at night.

    Since 2017, we have not failed to organize a single night ride on Thursdays until now. At the time of writing, it was already 143 night (we must have forgotten to change this). We mainly promote ourselves through Facebook, because that's where people quickly find out that something is happening, but here, now there's also the web. We know how to find ourselves in the media, so we are published by mtb.hr, biciklijade.com, gdjesutra.hr, TotalCroatiaCycling.com and others. If you are interested in cooperation, feel free to contact us and let's have a coffee!

  • Original language

    NGO which gathers mountain bikers to delve into the world of night riding on mountains.

    Mi smo udruga i zovemo se Noćni vozači Hrvatske, a uglavnom se muvamo na području Zagreba gdje jednom tjedno organiziramo noćne vožnje četvrtkom. Okupljamo se podno Medvednice i pedaliramo šumskim tehničkim stazama do vrha Sljemena gdje imamo suradnju s planinarskim domovima. Gore se kratko osvježimo uz klopu i cugu i pokoju priču o mračnim stranama Sljemena pa rokamo spust biciklističkim stazama kroz šumske zavrzlame drage nam Medvednice.

    Trudimo se otići i na druga mjesta pa povremeno idemo u Samobor na Oštrc ili Slava Goru, a pratimo i veće maratone gdje se uključimo u organizaciju i radimo noćnu vožnju uvertire u glavni event. Cilj nam je da budete lijepi i zdravi, da nam se rekreirate uz nas i da se vozimo što više. Drago nam je okupiti što više novih bajkera i rasturiti mitove o bojazni noćne vožnje zbog utvara u šumi. Osim kaj vas vozimo, tu smo uvijek i da damo koristan savjet o opremi i načinu vožnje noću.

    Od 2017. godine nismo propustili organizirati niti jednu noćnu vožnju četvrtkom do sada. U trenutku pisanja to je bilo već 143 noćne (ovo bumo sigurno zaboravili mijenjat). Uglavnom se promoviramo putem Fejsa, jer, tam ljudi brzo skuže da se nekaj događa, al evo, sad bu i web. Znamo se naći i u medijima pa nas objavljuju mtb.hr, biciklijade.com, gdjesutra.hr, TotalCroatiaCycling.com i drugi. Ak vas zanima da sklopimo suradnju, slobodno nam se javite pa bumo na kavicu!

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Groupe TF1
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

4 Dec 2018

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