  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Sustainability: a plus for the competitiveness of Basque companies

    Referent and binder of ecoindustry and the services and environmental products of Euskadi, is the cluster that represents the residue value chains (minimization, reuse, remanufacturing, energy valuation, recycling and management), contaminated soils (research and recovery), Integral water, air and climate change cycle, ecosystems and efficient and ecodesign manufacturing.


  • Original language

    SUSTAINABILITY: Un plus para la COMPETITIVIDAD de las Empresas Vascas

    Referente y aglutinante de la Ecoindustria y los servicios y productos medioambientales de Euskadi, es el Cluster que representa a las cadenas de valor de residuos (minimización, reutilización, remanufactura, valorización energética, reciclado y gestión), suelos contaminados (investigación y recuperación), ciclo integral del agua, aire y cambio climático, ecosistemas y fabricación eficiente y ecodiseño.

    Medio Ambiente

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Banco Sabadell
Banco Sabadell
Bank, Information Technology and Services
Banco Sabadell
Bank, Information Technology and Services

27 Feb 2018

ESTIA Institute of technology
ESTIA Institute of technology
Research, Research Services
ESTIA Institute of technology
Research, Research Services

2 Feb 2021

Heidelberg Materials
Heidelberg Materials
Construction, Building supplies, Wholesale Building Materials
Heidelberg Materials
Construction, Building supplies, Wholesale Building Materials

27 Jan 2023

European Parliament
European Parliament
European Union, Political Organizations
European Parliament
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