  • MD Mots

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    606 298 229
  • Activities

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  • Location

    160 Chem. du Vieux Four, 83150 Bandol, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3


  • Engaged corporates

    0 3
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Successfully rhyme your project! 🩾‍♀

    MD Words is an support service for entrepreneurs (training, advice, outsourcing, etc.)! The goal? Be by your side to help you set up the actions that will allow you to make your professional aspirations concretize.

    👉 Train, boost your activity and develop new career perspectives 👈
    MD Words Guides entrepreneurs at all stages of their development. Whether through training or our support services, our vocation is always the same: make your project possible and release your potential! To do this, we share our know-how, our good practices and our tools here. Our keyword? The development!

    Training 🔾 MD Words offers thematic training to allow you to set up skills in the fields of your choice: launch your activity, communicate effectively on the web, improve your writings, strengthen your entrepreneurial posture ... and many other equally varied subjects. Good news: 100 % of our training can be financially supported!

    Have your head should be supported in the handlebars? 1000 projects in parallel? Don't panic, it's completely normal! The main quality of an entrepreneur is knowing how to surround himself. Advice, communication, webmarketing, coaching, correction ... whether you are launching activity, young creator or independent experienced, our formulas have been designed to adapt to your objectives and your budget.

    Training in the profession of corrector, literary correction, rewriting, analytical rereading, advice, communication, training, social networks, community management, writing, graphics, showcase site, events, media plan, press relations, digital, project management, artistic direction, and production of content

  • Original language

    Faire rimer votre projet avec succùs ! 🩾‍♀

    MD Mots, c’est un service d’accompagnement Ă  destination des entrepreneurs (formation, conseil, externalisation, etc.) ! L’objectif ? Être Ă  vos cĂŽtĂ©s pour vous aider Ă  mettre en place les actions qui vous permettront de concrĂ©tiser vos aspirations professionnelles.

    MD Mots guide les entrepreneurs Ă  toutes les Ă©tapes de leur dĂ©veloppement. Que ce soit par le biais de la formation ou de nos services d’accompagnement, notre vocation est toujours la mĂȘme : rendre votre projet possible et libĂ©rer votre potentiel ! Pour ce faire, nous partageons ici nos savoir-faire, nos bonnes pratiques et nos outils. Notre mot-clĂ© ? L’épanouissement !

    SE FORMER 🔾 MD Mots propose des formations thĂ©matiques pour vous permettre de monter en compĂ©tences dans les domaines de votre choix : lancer son activitĂ©, communiquer efficacement sur le Web, amĂ©liorer ses Ă©crits, renforcer sa posture entrepreneuriale... et bien d’autres sujets tout aussi variĂ©s. Bonne nouvelle : 100 % de nos formations peuvent ĂȘtre prises en charge financiĂšrement !

    SE FAIRE ÉPAULER 🔾 La tĂȘte dans le guidon ? 1000 projets en parallĂšle ? Pas de panique, c’est tout Ă  fait normal ! La principale qualitĂ© d’un entrepreneur est de savoir s’entourer. Conseil, communication, webmarketing, coaching, correction... Que vous soyez en lancement d’activitĂ©, jeune crĂ©ateur ou indĂ©pendant aguerri, nos formules ont Ă©tĂ© pensĂ©es pour s’adapter Ă  vos objectifs et Ă  votre budget.

    Formation au métier de correcteur, correction littéraire, réécriture, relecture analytique, conseil, communication, formations, réseaux sociaux, community management, rédaction, graphisme, site vitrine, événementiel, plan média, relations presse, digital, gestion de projet, Direction artistique, and production de contenus

  • MD Mots - Formation et Communication

    MD Mots, c’est un service d’accompagnement à destination des entrepreneurs (formation, conseil, externalisation, etc.) ! Notre organisme abrite 2 pîles : la

  • https://mdmots.com/
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