Created in 2012, RED Luxury is a watch and jewelry company with a strong digital approach. It aims to disrupt the traditional watch and jewelry business by promoting differentiating products through alternative distribution networks. RED Luxury uses social media and Web Marketing tools to design and distribute its collection worldwide. We have 4 offices around the world : Paris, New York, Dubaï and Seoul" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="253392" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Red Luxury Group"> 2,725
Entity types
28 Rue Bergère, 75009 Paris, France
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 32
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
1 month agoWe develop statement and emotional jewelry by partnering with great talents !
Created in 2012, RED Luxury is a watch and jewelry company with a strong digital approach. It aims to disrupt the traditional watch and jewelry business by promoting differentiating products through alternative distribution networks. RED Luxury uses social media and Web Marketing tools to design and distribute its collection worldwide.
We have 4 offices around the world : Paris, New York, Dubaï and Seoul
We develop statement and emotional jewelry by partnering with great talents !
Founded in Paris, RED LUXURY is a jewelry & watch company which designs, manufactures and distributes its proprietary brands worldwide.
« We develop statement and emotional jewelry by partnering with great talents in order to build global and differentiating brands ».
At a time when the market is quickly shifting, RED LUXURY‘s purpose is to disrupt the traditional watch and jewelry business by investing in trendy and up-and-coming brands. We strive to promote differentiating products through alternative distribution networks. Our goal is to scale their activity thanks to our dedicated and passionate team: a gathering of experts in webmarketing, social media, sales, supply chain and manufacturing.
RED LUXURY has opened offices in New York, Miami, Geneva, Dubai and Hong Kong to strengthen its worldwide presence and promote its portfolio throughout high end and qualitative concept stores, department stores and watch & jewelry shops.
Red Luxury - House of Brands - Red Luxury owns and distributes jewelry and watch brands. Founded in 2012 Red Luxury has opened offices in Paris, New York, Dubai and Hong Kong.