  • Bank Of Africa

    Created in 1959
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Location

    140 Bd Hassan II, Casablanca 20320, Morocco



  • Employees

    Scale: 10001+

    Estimated: 3,800

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    A multi-business, multi-brand and multi-national banking group

    Bank of Africa is a multi-business universal banking Group and one of Africa's leading financial institutions. Its wide range of business activities includes commercial banking, investment banking, bank-insurance and asset management. It also provides an extensive range of specialised financial services such as consumer credit, leasing and factoring, among others.

    Bank of Africa is Morocco's most internationally-oriented banking Group. With operations in 31 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America, the Group employs more than 15 200 employees. Its 1,700 branches serve 6.6 million customers. In 2013, the Bank was the first Moroccan non-sovereign issuer on the international debt securities market.
    Bank of Africa is a leading player in environmental matters and corporate social responsibility. The Group, which is ISO 14001-certifed, has developed a variety of innovative sustainable finance products in partnership with major international financial institutions. In 2016, Bank of Africa was the first Moroccan company to issue 'green bonds' by public offering to finance domestic and international eco-responsible environmental projects. Bank of Africa Foundation's Medersat.com programme promotes education and community-based development in rural areas in Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa.

    The Group is continuing to expand its footprint in Africa. In 2015, it launched the African Entrepreneurship Award, an award with high economic and social impact in Africa.

    Bank of Africa Foundation, established in 1995, aims to promote education in rural areas for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and to contribute to environmental protection. Every year, BOA Group allocates 4% of its gross operating income to its Foundation, whose work is highly esteemed in Morocco and Africa.


    Découvrez le portail officiel de BANK OF AFRICA et accédez à nos offres de produits et services bancaires adaptées à vos besoins.

  • https://www.bankofafrica.ma/
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