  • elow energy

    Created in 2023
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  • Location

    66 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 17

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 days, 13 hours ago
  • Value proposition

    CO2 reduction technology based on demand-side management algorithms

    elow Energy is an innovative solution that enables you to measure and reduce your digital carbon impact.
    Our goal: to optimise the positive impact of digital technology on the environment and minimize its negative impacts, towards digital sobriety.
    What you can do with elow : 1. Measure : Analyse your digital carbon footprint in real time 2. Reduce : Find out what you can do to significantly reduce your carbon impact 3. Act : Access all our green offers on our Marketplace elow aims to be a learning, daring and innovative company. Knowledge sharing, customer focus, commitment, integrity, simplicity and entrepreneurial spirit are its core values.

    Energy, Gaz, Electricité, Renewables, Digital Sobriety, Climate Policies, Energy Transition, Sustainable IT, Green IT, software eco-design, and ESR reporting

  • Original language

    CO2 reduction technology based on demand-side management algorithms

    elow is an application that enables companies to measure and reduce their digital carbon footprint.

    From green IT to IT for green, the elow application autonomously maximizes the reduction of your IT parc CO2 emissions. With elow, there is no need for action plan to reduce your digital carbon footprint. Simply install it on your company's IT workstations and start seeing results immediately. 50% reduction in electricity consumption and 150% reduction in CO2 emissions over the lifecycle of your IT assets.

    Our goal: reducing the ecological impact of digital technology and put technology at the service of climate.

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