  • Value proposition

    Supporting communities in Ireland and abroad. Registered Charity Number 20005184, CHY3950. Visit www.redcross.ie

    The Irish Red Cross is at the forefront of delivering aid to vulnerable people in Ireland and in countries around the world that have been struck by wars or natural disasters. Registered Charity Number - 20005184, CHY3950

    To be Ireland’s premier community service organization, through the implementation of the Red Cross Charter, preventing and alleviating human suffering, protecting life and health, ensuring respect for the human being by continually delivering a high quality humanitarian service to society at home and abroad. The Irish Red Cross provides care to the most vulnerable at home and abroad in peace, crisis and disaster.

    The Irish Red Cross is part of the world's largest humanitarian aid organisation The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement with apx. 97 million volunteers in 187 countries. Our Volunteers and staff work in communities all over Ireland and overseas.

    If you would like more information about the Irish Red Cross please see http://www.redcross.ie

    All of us at the Irish Red Cross are very happy to hear your views and welcome constructive criticism. We moderate our page between 09.00 and 17.00 each working day. If you are posting outside this time and looking for an answer, please bear with us and we’ll get back to you the next day.

    Emergency Aid, Emergency Response, First Aid Training, Youth Services, Fundraising, International Humanitarian Law, CDAC, Restoring Family Links, Community Services, Development, Health, and Migration

  • Home - Irish Red Cross

    Millions of people in Gaza need food, water, shelter and medical care.PLEASE DONATE TODAY Donate to help where needed most Become a Member, Volunteer First Aid Courses Find Missing Family Community Sponsorship Ireland Just as Irish people were once welcomed abroad during times of hardship, this programme invites communities to support refugees fleeing conflict, helping

  • https://www.redcross.ie/
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European Union, Environmental Services
European Union, Environmental Services

19 Feb 2025

Revolut Revolut

14 Feb 2023

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