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    Business with personality

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    For 17 years, City A.M. has served London’s professionals with the latest business news, market information and analysis of the financial world.

    The paper is distributed daily at more than 400 carefully chosen commuter hubs across London and the home counties, as well as 1,600 offices throughout the City, Canary Wharf and other areas of high business concentration, giving it a daily readership in excess of 399,000 professionals.

    City A.M. is expanding its digital presence and has over 1.6m monthly users globally. It also has a number of luxury magazines in its portfolio including Bespoke, Living and Money.

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Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IP Group plc
IP Group plc
Financial Services
IP Group plc
Financial Services

3 Dec 2018

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

27 Apr 2017

8 Feb 2023

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