  • Value proposition

    RTLS for Healthcare - Creating a safe and efficient healthcare enterprise with real-time technologies

    At CenTrak, we are redefining the way organizations manage and optimize their assets, people, and operations through cutting-edge real-time location services (RTLS). With a focus on healthcare, our innovative solutions empower facilities to improve efficiency, enhance patient care, and drive better outcomes.

    Founded on the principles of accuracy, reliability, and scalability, CenTrak combines advanced technology with deep industry expertise. Our robust RTLS platform provides real-time visibility into assets, people, and workflows, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and streamline processes.

    More than a hospital tracking system – CenTrak provides 2,000+ facilities across the globe with data-driven insights, creates a safe and efficient environment for staff, and enhances the healthcare experience for patients, residents, and their families.

    Real-Time Location Systems, Environmental & Temperature Monitoring, High Acuity Workflow, Asset Tracking & Management, Staff Locating, Nurse Call, Hand Hygiene Compliance, Patient & Staff Safety, RTLS, Staff Duress, Software, Consulting, Wander Management, Senior Living, Emergency Call, Infection Control, Contact Tracing, Wayfinding, Infant Protection, Vaccine Storage, and COVID-19 Solutions

  • Real-Time Location Tracking Systems for Healthcare | CenTrak

    It’s More Than a Hospital Tracking System! CenTrak Provides Actionable Intelligence Across Hospital Enterprises. Contact Us or Request a Demo to Learn…

  • https://centrak.com/
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