  • Pure Algae Denmark

    Created in 2018
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    Havnecentervej 1, 8500 Grenaa, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 14

  • Engaged corporates

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  • Added in Motherbase

    2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Pure Algae - Pure Cultivation

    Pure Algae was founded by Esben Rimi Christiansen in 2018. Pure Algae develops controlled land-based cultivation technology for climate-friendly farming of seaweed. We enable local and organic production on a global scale and produce seaweed of its highest quality for medico, food, and feed companies all year round.

    At the same time Pure Algae impacts the aquaculture to solve their problem with high nutrient outlets using our vertically designed seaweed cultivation technology, which efficiently enables nutrient capture while at the same time producing high value seaweed.

    A food source that we need now more than ever... A growing population requires more food, and more food requires more farming, but the world's resources are running out. Blue biomass is the future and seaweed is the opportunity.

    Pure Algae
    Havnecentervej 1
    8500 Grenaa

    Phone: +45 60 535 642
    Mail: info@purealgae.dk
    Find us at: www.purealgae.dk

  • Pure Algae | Turning emissions into revenue streams

    Pure Algae provides the world with a sustainable solution for land-based seaweed cultivation. We develop scalable bioreactor units, that enables seaweed cultivation. We capture nitrogen compounds and CO2 from industrial fish-farming and similar industries into a valuable biomass.

  • https://www.purealgae.dk/
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