  • Value proposition

    Deep-Tech for Enterprise Efficiency, Security, and Growth

    QX is a deep-tech company committed to revolutionising the enterprise landscape with cutting-edge innovations. Our international team of experts and consultants brings deep insights and extensive experience in implementing the latest advancements in user-friendly and seamless ways.

    Specialising in integrating technologies like blockchain and centralised enterprise intelligence, we enhance operational efficiency and security for enterprises. Our expertise in AI, decentralised identities and tokens is not just technical; it is reshaping the global business landscape.

    Expanding our horizons, we are now bringing the transformative power of AI to enterprises. Our AI solutions enable advanced data analytics, real-time monitoring, and intelligent decision-making, complementing our existing blockchain and Web3 offerings to provide a comprehensive suite of tools that drive efficiency, accuracy, and growth.

    We have launched several products with major global enterprises in banking, tourism, retail, fashion and consumer goods, focusing on loyalty, customer experience, and Centralised Enterprise Intelligence. Through real-world examples and case studies, we demonstrate our significant impact and dedication to the future of enterprise technology.

    At QX, we align deep tech innovations with our vision of a more connected, intelligent, and efficient world for businesses.

    AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Web3

  • Home - QX Web3 Customer Experience and Loyalty

    Transitioning Brands to Web3 Loyalty Discover a revolutionary Web3 ecosystem that empowers brands, smart cities, and consumers through decentralized technologies and tokenized rewards. Request Demo The brands challenge in the data-driven economy In today's commerce evolution, consumers crave personalized brand experiences but are on edge due to recurrent data breaches. As third-party data processors amplify

  • https://qx.ventures/
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