
    Created in 1921
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    64 Rue de Saintonge, 75003 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 105

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Facilitator of your life projects

    Since 1921, SOFIAP (SOCRIF trademark) has been the specialist in real estate credit and personal loans for employees of partner companies. SOFIAP asserts itself as a trusted partner of its customers, facilitator of their life projects.

    To realize the projects of its individual customers, SOFIAP can rely on the support of its two shareholders: La Banque Postale, majority shareholder and SNCF, its historical shareholder.

    We believe that becoming a homeowner is an element of inclusion, society and preparation for retirement. SOFIAP meets the "S" of CSR around the social and societal commitment of employers and allows innovation around real estate ownership and more broadly financing. We design subsidized loans (real estate credit, consumer credit, etc.) by companies to allow employees to finance their projects.

    Created by SNCF to help railway workers access property ownership, we are the result of a history of more than 100 years. Today a subsidiary of La Banque Postale and SNCF, we are the current response to the needs of companies to recruit and retain by allowing employees to live more comfortably, more responsibly, and to build up assets.

  • Original language

    Facilitateur de vos projets de vie

    Depuis 1921, SOFIAP (marque commerciale SOCRIF) est le spécialiste du crédit immobilier et des prêts personnels à destination des salariés des entreprises partenaires. SOFIAP s’affirme comme partenaire confiance de ses clients, facilitateur de leurs projets de vie.

    Pour concrétiser les projets de ses clients particuliers, SOFIAP peut s’appuyer sur le soutien de ses deux actionnaires : La Banque Postale, actionnaire majoritaire et SNCF, son actionnaire historique.

    Nous pensons que devenir propriétaire est un élément d’inclusion, de société et de préparation à la retraite. SOFIAP répond au «S» de RSE autour de l’engagement social et sociétal des employeurs et permet une innovation autour de la propriété immobilière et plus largement du financement. Nous concevons des prêts subventionnés (crédit immobilier, crédit consommation...) par les entreprises pour permettre aux salariés de financer leurs projets.
    Créée par la SNCF pour aider les cheminots à accéder à la propriété, nous sommes le fruit d’une histoire de plus de 100 ans. Aujourd’hui filiale de la Banque Postale et de la SNCF, nous sommes la réponse actuelle aux besoins des entreprises de recruter et de fidéliser en permettant aux collaborateurs de vivre plus confortablement, plus responsable, et de se créer un patrimoine.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations
NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations

31 Aug 2024

Action Logement
Action Logement
Real Estate, Social Housing
Action Logement
Real Estate, Social Housing

8 Oct 2024

Polling institute, Government Administration
Polling institute, Government Administration

8 Oct 2024

CCI France
CCI France
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI France
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

31 Aug 2024

France Travail
France Travail
Human ressources, Government Administration
France Travail
Human ressources, Government Administration

8 Oct 2024

La Poste Groupe
La Poste Groupe
Postal services, Truck Transportation
La Poste Groupe
Postal services, Truck Transportation

15 Oct 2024

Le Figaro
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing

20 Aug 2024

Finance Mag
Finance Mag
Media, Online Audio and Video Media
Finance Mag
Media, Online Audio and Video Media

21 Nov 2023

Chambre des notaires de Paris
Chambre des notaires de Paris
Law Practice, Legal Services
Chambre des notaires de Paris
Law Practice, Legal Services

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La Banque Postale
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Bank, Banking
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