Social networks
602 3,608Activities
Entity types
Beatrixgebouw, Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521 AL Utrecht, Netherlands
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 69
Engaged corporates
2Added in Motherbase
5 years, 10 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Accelerating Transformation
Breakthroughs in health and care
We combine organizational advice and creativity. Our strength lies in creating new combinations, letting go of limiting paradigms and exploring other perspectives.
Because those who are ready for the future, innovate.
Lead the Future, be Bright.
leadership, future explorations, marketing, innovation, innovation power, trend research, vision, analytics, regional cooperation, regional scan, scenario planning, customer journey, value-driven care, impact analysis, strategy realization, and strategy
Accelerating Transformation
Grensverleggend in gezondheid en zorg
Wij combineren organisatieadvies en creativiteit. Onze kracht is het maken van nieuwe combinaties, het loslaten van belemmerende paradigma’s en het verkennen van andere perspectieven.
Want wie klaar is voor de toekomst, innoveert.
Lead the Future, be Bright.
leiderschap, toekomstverkenningen, marketing, innovatie, innovatiekracht, trendonderzoek, visie, analytics, regionale samenwerking, regioscan, scenarioplanning, klantreis, waardegedrevenzorg, impactanalyse, strategie realisatie, and strategie
BeBright Consultancy: grensverleggend in gezondheid en zorg. Accelarating Transformation. Ervaren adviseurs en projectmanagers.