  • Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.

    Created in 1900
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Miklošičeva cesta 19-1000, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 814

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Vse bo v redu. | Everything will be alright.

    Zavarovalnica Triglav, founded in 1900 and based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is the controlling company of the Triglav Group. The Triglav Group is the largest insurance/financial group in the Adria region and one of the leading groups in South-East Europe, which operates also internationally through FOS business and reinsurance and has over 5,000 employees.
    The Triglav Group maintains its financial stability, high capital adequacy and profitability, as confirmed by high credit ratings “A” assigned by two established credit rating agencies. Triglav's shares are listed on the Prime market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange.
    The key values of the Triglav Group are responsiveness, simplicity, and reliability. With more than 120 years of tradition and experience, it creates a safer future for stakeholders and pursues a central strategic goal, i.e. exceptional and unified costumer experience, while ensuring that its business is safe, profitable, and sustainably oriented.

    non-life insurance, life insurance, supplementary voluntary pension insurance, and health insurance

  • Zavarovalno-finančna skupina - Triglav.eu

    Skupina Triglav je vodilna zavarovalno-finančna skupina na 7 trgih po Evropi.

  • https://www.triglav.eu/sl/
Corporate interactions BETA
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