
    Created in 2000
  • Social networks

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  • Location

    37 Rue Louise Weiss, 75013 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 9

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    10 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    Haute Parfumerie contemporaine

    Over the last 20 years THE DIFFERENT COMPANY, first independent French haute parfumerie house, has created unique scents with prize winning master perfumers using exceptional raw material in minimalist luxurious bottles and packs. Our house is at the origin of what is called today ‘Niche perfumery’.

    This is our difference and our strength, we are innovators, not followers. We are continuously seeking a form of olfactory perfection, the utmost thrill when you first discover a fragrance.

    Our passion is to look for the essence of Haute Parfumerie to sublimate the scents and transform it into strong, emotional and eternal olfactory sensations. Without compromise and an authentic pleasure and emotion.

    Our fragrances are protected in a naturally luxurious shrine with a minimalistic design. We pay a lot of attention to each and every details, all our components have been specifically designed and developed for THE DIFFERENT COMPANY. We think that only with time, effort and creativity, we can bring different and unique olfactory pleasures to the world.

    Haute Parfumerie

  • Original language

    Haute Parfumerie contemporaine

    Pionnier de la haute parfumerie française depuis 2000, The Different Company continue sa quête de l'élégance, du bonheur et de la perfection olfactive avec certains des plus grands parfumeurs/euses de notre temps. Présentés dans des écrins uniques, sans concessions aux diktats de la mode et de la nouveauté, nous créons des parfums pour vous émouvoir, vous éblouir, vous surprendre, pour vous accompagner dans vos moments les plus intimes, pour résonner dans vos mémoires. Aujourd'hui, The Different Company reste une maison indépendante, présente dans plus de 45 pays.

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