  • Eco Centre

    Created in 2021
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    10 Megobroba Ave, Rustavi 3700, Georgia



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 7

  • Engaged corporates

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  • Added in Motherbase

    7 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Eco Center is an environmental civil society organization, which was founded in 2021.

    Our Vision: We strongly believe that ecocentrism is the key pathway to sustainable development. According to this approach, Earth not humans are the life-center, so development does not endanger the natural systems that support life on our planet. Therefore, we will try to promote this approach in our community through our activities.

    "Eco Center" was founded in 2021 and is an environmental civil society organization.

    Vision: We believe that ecocentrism is the most important way of sustainable development, because this approach puts not man at the center of life, but the earth as a whole, so that development does not threaten the natural systems that provide life on our planet. Therefore, we will try to promote this approach in our community.

  • Original language

    Eco Centre is an environmental civil society organization, which was founded in 2021.

    Our Vision: We strongly believe, that ecocentrism is the key pathway to sustainable development. According to this approach, Earth not humans are the life-center, so development does not endanger the natural systems that support life on our planet. Therefore, we will try to promote this approach in our community through our activities.

    „ეკო ცენტრი“ დაარსდა 2021 წელს და წარმოადგენს გარემოსდაცვით სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ორგანიზაციას.

    ხედვა: ჩვენ გვჯერა, რომ ეკოცენტრიზმი არის მდგრადი განვითარების უმთავრესი გზა, რადგან ეს მიდგომა სიცოცხლის ცენტრად აყენებს არა ადამიანს, არამედ მთლიანად დედამიწას, რათა განვითარებამ საფრთხე არ შეუქმნას იმ ბუნებრივ სისტემებს, რომლებიც განაპირობებენ სიცოცხლეს ჩვენს პლანეტაზე. შესაბამისად, ჩვენი საქმიანობით შევეცდებით, ხელი შევუწყოთ ამ მიდგომის გავრცელებას ჩვენს თემში.

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