Our mission is to collect, produce and share knowledge about the use of technology in health services.
Norwegian Centre for E-health Research was established in 2016. We are a leading centre for research and development in e-health and telemedicine.
The centre collects, produces and disseminates knowledge the Norwegian health authorities need to develop knowledge-based policies within the e-health field.
The centre has about 60 employees, and is situated in Tromsø in the North of Norway.
The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is an internationally known organization and is a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for telemedicine and e-health. The centre is also a proud member of EHTEL and HIMSS Europe Governing Council.
e-health, health analytics, welfare technologies, research, electronic patient record, m-health, and AI
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning skal samle, produsere og formidle kunnskap myndighetene trenger for å utvikle og iverksette en kunnskapsbasert politikk på e-helsefeltet.