  • JST transformateurs

    Created in 1905
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    84 Av. Paul Santy, 69008 Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 230


  • Engaged corporates

    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year ago
  • Value proposition

    Mastering the transformation of electrical energy

    JST transformateurs draws on over more than 50 years experience in design, manufacturing, and maintenance of electric transformers to meet the needs of its ever evolving clients across the five continents.

    Our employees here at JST transformateurs maintain since the start a tradition of technical leadership.

    Hence, JST transformateurs has helped Electricité de France (EDF) in the development of manufacturing and transportation of electricity in France, stimulating our engineers to think up innovative solutions in order to provide adapted responses to extremely demanding technical specifications. Until recently JST transformateurs was entrusted to design and manufacture transformers with an energy evacuation system for the new EPR technology nuclear power plant, currently under construction in Flamanville, France.

    Concerning the railway network, this tradition is no weaker. JST transformateurs was the pioneering designer for the transformers that were onboard high-speed trains, during the development of the first TGV in partnership with Alstom and France’s national railway authority (the SNCF). JST transformateurs is still renowned for its very precise know-how which allows it to optimise the weight and the size of its products.

    Conscientious of its social and environmental responsibility, JST transformateurs leads an independent strategy for sustainable development with the view of a long-term partnership with its clients and its suppliers.

    High-voltage and very high-voltage power transformers and Traction transformers

  • Original language

    Mastering the transformation of electrical energy

    Spécialisée depuis plus de 60 ans dans la transformation de l’énergie électrique, JST transformateurs est fière de compter parmi ses clients du monde entier les plus grands noms de la production, du transport et de la distribution électrique, ceux du transport ferroviaire, ainsi que des industriels au process très énergivore.

    Basée à Lyon – France, où sont conçus tous ses appareils, son activité se décline en 3 domaines : Puissance, Traction et Services.

    Son histoire et ses exigences de qualité, alliées à un échange permanent avec ses clients et partenaires et à ses certifications régulièrement renouvelées, en font un acteur de premier rang dont la notoriété n’est plus à faire.

    Ces dernières années, JST transformateurs a bâti autour de son siège social et principal site de production français un Groupe solide entièrement dédié au service de ses clients.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône)
CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône)
Energy, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône)
Energy, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

18 Jul 2024

A Plus Finance
A Plus Finance
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
A Plus Finance
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

5 Feb 2024

CARA Transport & Mobility Systems
CARA Transport & Mobility Systems
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Truck Transportation
CARA Transport & Mobility Systems
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Truck Transportation

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