  • Value proposition

    A Liderar a Transição Energética

    ENGIE is a global energy player and an expert operator in the three businesses of electricity, natural gas and energy services.
    The Group develops its businesses around a model based on responsible growth to take on the major challenges of energy’s transition to a low-carbon economy: access to sustainable energy, climate-change mitigation and adaptation, security of supply and the rational use of resources.
    The Group provides individuals, cities and businesses with highly efficient and innovative solutions largely based on its expertise in four key sectors: renewable energy, energy efficiency, liquefied natural gas and digital technology.
    ENGIE employs 153,090 people worldwide and achieved revenues of € 69.6 billion in 2016.

    In Portugal, ENGIE focuses on power production and on the delivery of technical services and facility management projects, as well as on the supply of thermal energy to buildings and consumers. Being the second biggest player on the Portuguese market, ENGIE bases its production on both renewable and conventional sources. ENGIE is a reference on operation and maintenance services for Industrial and Tertiary clients, in addition to its capability to develop and deploy Facility Management projects. Arclasse, a company specialized in the installation, maintenance and efficiency of chillers, is also a part of the group. Through Climaespaço, ENGIE generates and delivers thermal energy to improve the efficiency of the buildings and the comfort of the customers at Parque das Nações, in Lisbon.

    painéis fotovoltaicos, Soluções de performance energética, descarbonização, eficiência energética, gestão de energia, serviços de energia, manutenção e operação, serviços de energia, Indústria, Terciário, Manutenção e operação de edifícios, and energias renováveis

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Energy, Utilities
Energy, Utilities

7 Feb 2024

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