TERO is a cooperative company created in 2015 by 51 members, composed of individuals and corporate entities, and now counts 79 members. Currently we have more than 60 professional partners, international experts and experienced professionals in agricultural and rural development in France and internationally. They are willing to contribute their skills and experience for an ethical and committed expertise. Five institutional members accompany TERO and provide their skill, experience and network not only in their own specific domain but also in the management of cooperative companies: ETHIQUABLE, SCIC SENS, AVSF, URSCOP and Terracoopa. TERO uses its expertise to assist stakeholders and projects that allow rural communities, often threatened by exclusion and precarity, to generate sustainable revenues and livelihoods. It also supports them in becoming responsible for their own development. TERO supports rural territories, both in the Southern countries and in France, in developing greater autonomy and food sovereignty. TERO services and skills contribute to improve family farming performances and to the recognition of their role and modernity in facing food, employment, ecological and climate challenges for the 21st century. TERO contributes to strengthening local stakeholders linked to rural and local development as well as to the creation of solidarity and cooperation bonds between territorial development stakeholders, rural, urban, public and private. In 2017, TERO decided to support Small Producers' Symbol (SPP) development by diversifying its activities and launching the first French speaking SPP certification service" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="218531" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="TERO"> 2,297
Entity types
2 Rue Professeur Zimmermann 2e étage, 69002 Lyon, France
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 25
809540255Engaged corporates
5Added in Motherbase
1 year, 3 months agoTero, Coopérative d'experts et d'expertes engagés
TERO is a cooperative company created in 2015 by 51 members, composed of individuals and corporate entities, and now counts 79 members.
Currently we have more than 60 professional partners, international experts and experienced professionals in agricultural and rural development in France and internationally. They are willing to contribute their skills and experience for an ethical and committed expertise.
Five institutional members accompany TERO and provide their skill, experience and network not only in their own specific domain but also in the management of cooperative companies: ETHIQUABLE, SCIC SENS, AVSF, URSCOP and Terracoopa.
TERO uses its expertise to assist stakeholders and projects that allow rural communities, often threatened by exclusion and precarity, to generate sustainable revenues and livelihoods. It also supports them in becoming responsible for their own development. TERO supports rural territories, both in the Southern countries and in France, in developing greater autonomy and food sovereignty.
TERO services and skills contribute to improve family farming performances and to the recognition of their role and modernity in facing food, employment, ecological and climate challenges for the 21st century.
TERO contributes to strengthening local stakeholders linked to rural and local development as well as to the creation of solidarity and cooperation bonds between territorial development stakeholders, rural, urban, public and private.
In 2017, TERO decided to support Small Producers' Symbol (SPP) development by diversifying its activities and launching the first French speaking SPP certification service
Agroécologie, Elevage et santé animale, Filières et marchés, Sécurité alimentaire, Développement territorial et institutionnel, Evaluation, Diagnostics et faisabilités, Capitalisation, Conseil et appui institutionnel, Développement durable, Label SPP, Bureau d'études, Développement rural, Organisations de producteurs, Coopératives, commerce équitable, formation agricole et rurale, and développement international
Tero, Coopérative d'experts et d'expertes engagés
TERO est une société coopérative (SCIC) créée en 2015 qui compte aujourd'hui 82 sociétaires. Nos professionnels associés, experts internationaux et professionnels confirmés du développement agricole et rural en France et à l'international, sont désireux de mettre leurs compétences et expériences au service d'une expertise réalisée avec éthique et engagement.
Quatre sociétaires institutionnels accompagnent TERO et apportent leurs compétences, expériences et réseaux tant dans leurs domaines spécifiques d'intervention que dans la gestion de sociétés coopératives : ETHIQUABLE, SENS, AVSF et Terracoopa.
TERO œuvre pour le développement agricole et rural des territoires, en France et à l'international, et pour leur autonomie alimentaire et énergétique. Dans cette optique, TERO se propose de contribuer au renforcement des acteurs locaux (organisations de producteurs, collectivités, organismes de coopération, etc.) et à la création de liens de solidarité et de coopération entre ces acteurs, qu'ils soient ruraux ou urbains, publics ou privés et de différents pays.
Les services et compétences de TERO contribuent à l'amélioration des performances des agricultures durables en mettant en œuvre des pratiques de culture et d'élevage agroécologiques, ainsi qu'à la reconnaissance de leur utilité et modernité pour répondre aux défis combinés alimentaires, écologiques, climatiques et de l'emploi du XXIème siècle.
Depuis 2017, TERO est également certificateur pour le label Symbole des Producteurs Paysans (SPP).
Depuis 2015, Tero oeuvre pour le développement agricole et rural des territoires, en France et à l'international
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