  • DBS - Digital Business School

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    752 1,038
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    222 All. de l'Amérique Latine, 30900 Nîmes, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 24

  • Engaged corporates

    0 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Work -study school

    Digital, promising sector.

    This is an observation, the economy is digitizing. To capture new markets and develop, companies must adapt to new technologies and transpose their strategy to digital.

    An anchant of the company, DBS is thus positioned as a large digital business school, offering training through bachelor (bac to bac+3) and master (bac+3 to bac+5) which allow students to discover , to understand and master the tools and methodologies necessary to support the company in its changes.

    In addition, the company's immersion offered by DBS through internship and work -study allow the student to deepen his field of knowledge and validate his professional orientations.

    To join DBS is to make the bet assumed to offer professional training, open to professions of the future.

    Digital Commerce, Digital Marketing, Digital Communication, Web Design, Web Development, Economic Intelligence, Data Management, Digital Company Creation, Supply Chain 3.0, Business Engineer, and RH & AMP; Digital transformation

  • Original language

    École de Commerce en Alternance

    Le Digital, secteur prometteur.

    C’est un constat, l’économie se digitalise. Pour capter de nouveaux marchés et se développer, les entreprises doivent s’adapter aux nouvelles technologies et transposer leur stratégie au numérique.

    Antichambre de l’entreprise, DBS se positionne ainsi comme une Grande École de Commerce Digital, offrant une formation aux travers de Bachelor (Bac à Bac+3) et de Mastère (Bac+3 à Bac+5) qui permettent aux étudiants de découvrir, d’appréhender et de maîtriser les outils et méthodologies nécessaires pour accompagner l’entreprise dans ses mutations.

    Par ailleurs, l’immersion en entreprise proposée par DBS aux travers de stage et de l'alternance permet à l’étudiant d’approfondir son champ de connaissances et de valider ses orientations professionnelles.

    Rejoindre DBS, c’est faire le pari assumé de s’offrir une formation professionnalisante, ouverte vers des métiers d’avenir.

    Digital Commerce, Digital Marketing, Digital Communication, Web Design, Web Développement, Intelligence Economique, Data Management, Création d'Entreprise Digitale, Supply chain 3.0, Ingénieur d'Affaires, and RH & Transformation Digitale

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
CCI Gard
CCI Gard
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI Gard
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

16 Dec 2023

Lidl France
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail

4 Dec 2023

Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail

4 Dec 2023

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