  • POCHET Aerospace

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    198 Av. des Eaux Blanches, 34200 Sète, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3

  • Engaged corporates

    2 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    « The air and water touch »

    POCHET Aerospace is born from the evolution of the seaplane market of CALAMALO Aviation founded in 2016 with the aim to develop and produce "the MORGANN", a amphibious four seater seaplane certified CS23 in total rupture with what exists...
    Born from the sea, made to face the salty universe. "Stol" is out of the water in thirty meters thanks to its foils, it can face a chop up to 80 cm high. Speed of rotation in 400 m.
    It is intended for wealthy individuals, luxury island resorts or operators and yacht owners. and yacht owners.
    As well as private companies that need versatile surveillance devices.

    hydravion, floatplane, Aircraft, boatplane, seaplane, hydrogene, hydrogen, transitionAéro, carbon, cleantech, zeroemission, transports, aviation, aeronautique, hydrogenfuelcells, innovation, foils, amphibian, amphibie, and hydrogene

  • Original language

    “A Fleur d‘Eau ... A Fleur d’Air ...”

    La chrysalide « CALAMALO Aviation » devient « POCHET Aerospace » à ce jour.
    Effectivement, dans une dynamique de développement, nous avons fait évoluer notre structure.
    CALAMALO Aviation deviendra prochainement la filiale Grand Public de notre maison mère.
    Fondée en 2016, CALAMALO Aviation prévoit de développer et de produire « le MORGANN », un hydravion amphibie, 4 places, IFR, certifié CS23 en rupture totale avec ce qu’il existe.
    Né de la mer, fait pour affronter l’univers salin. « Stol » sorti de l’eau en trente mètres grâce à ses foils, il peux affronter un clapot jusqu’à 80 cm de hauteur maximum. Vitesse de rotation en 400 m.
    Il est destiné aux particuliers fortunés, aux stations balnéaires des îles de luxe ou aux opérateurs et propriétaires de yachts.
    Ainsi que les entreprises privées qui ont besoin de dispositifs de surveillance polyvalents.

  • Pochet Aerospace - Hydravion

    POCHET Aerospace was born from the evolution of the seaplane market of CALAMALO Aviation. To meet the needs of its potential customers, CALAMALO Aviation needed to structure itself differently. For this we evolve on a Holding structure called POCHET Aerospace which becomes the parent company. It has commercial subsidiaries. In order we have: CALAMALO Aviation intended to develop and produce General Public models. Sea Meerkat which is intended to develop, produce models for the world of surveillance.

  • https://pochet-aerospace.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Le Journal des Entreprises
Le Journal des Entreprises
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Le Journal des Entreprises
Media, Newspaper Publishing

23 Mar 2024

French Tech Méditerranée
French Tech Méditerranée
French Tech, Software Development
French Tech Méditerranée
French Tech, Software Development

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