  • ScaleChanger

    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    874 3,493
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    75 All. des Parfumeurs, 92000 Nanterre, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 9

  • Engaged corporates

    11 30
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    Supporting impact proven solutions to scale

    ScaleChanger in a few words

    There is a vast realm of innovations that has emerged to tackle social and environmental issues around the world. However rare are those successful innovations that manage to go to scale and reach their full potential to impact the lives of millions that could benefit from them. As Bill Clinton summarises it: “Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The frustration is that we can’t seem to replicate (those solutions) anywhere else”. Research however points out that the lack of information and expert assistance are amongst the main causes why social ventures do not attempt or fail their replication.

    Hence, ScaleChanger's mission is to:

    - Identify and promote social and environmental innovations from around the world that have the potential to be replicated

    - Support social ventures in their replication or in the adaptation of innovations designed elsewhere

    - Encourage scaling of social impact through the provision of resource documents, tools and training

    A particular attention is drawn to the scaling of innovations as social franchises and to innovation from emerging countries having the potential to replicate to developed countries (reverse innovations).

    To successfully enhance the scaling up of successful innovations, ScaleChanger is building upon significant experience in international development and social entrepreneurship, and a network of partnering seasoned technical experts in Europe and internationally.

    #Scale #FranchiseSociale #SocialFranchising #Impact #social #ChangerdEchelle #innovation #EntSoc #Entrepreneur #SocialBusiness #ESS

    social innovations, SocialFranchise, replication, consultancy, social entrepreneurship, international development, scaling up, scale, impact, entrepreneur, SocialBusiness, SocEnt, EntSoc, changement d'échelle, franchise sociale, impact social, and innovation

  • Original language

    Supporting impact proven solutions to scale

    ScaleChanger in a few words

    There is a vast realm of innovations that has emerged to tackle social and environmental issues around the world. However rare are those successful innovations that manage to go to scale and reach their full potential to impact the lives of millions that could benefit from them. As Bill Clinton summarises it: “Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The frustration is that we can’t seem to replicate (those solutions) anywhere else”. Research however points out that the lack of information and expert assistance are amongst the main causes why social ventures do not attempt or fail their replication.

    Hence, ScaleChanger's mission is to:

    - Identify and promote social and environmental innovations from around the world that have the potential to be replicated

    - Support social ventures in their replication or in the adaptation of innovations designed elsewhere

    - Encourage scaling of social impact through the provision of resource documents, tools and training

    A particular attention is drawn to the scaling of innovations as social franchises and to innovation from emerging countries having the potential to replicate to developed countries (reverse innovations).

    To successfully enhance the scaling up of successful innovations, ScaleChanger is building upon significant experience in international development and social entrepreneurship, and a network of partnering seasoned technical experts in Europe and internationally.

    #Scale #FranchiseSociale #SocialFranchising #Impact #social #ChangerdEchelle #innovation #EntSoc #Entrepreneur #SocialBusiness #ESS

  • Accélérer les innovations sociales et environnementales

    Chez ScaleChanger, notre ambition est de transformer les innovations sociales et environnementales en solutions largement déployées !

  • https://www.scalechanger.org/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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