Social networks
1,332 1,827 1,827Activities
Entity types
Sector 112, New Palam Vihar Phase 2, Raghopur, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Scale: 201-500
Estimated: 138
Engaged corporates
4Added in Motherbase
1 year, 4 months ago#celebrating25years #education #empowerment #employability #digitaleducation #gyantantra #LEP #socialimpact #purpose
Literacy India has clearly set the three E's as its goal on a process of achieving in next decade i.e., Education, Empowerment and Employment.
We endeavor to meet this objective through imparting basic education and through exposing our students to a variety of vocational skills in performing arts, computer animation; etc.
This in turns helps to be confidant and empowered to take on challenging tasks.
In Education, Literacy India is focused on bringing about a Qualitative change in the lives of underprivileged children by giving a different meaning to education. We are looking at transforming the education landscape by introducing innovative methods of education to give children a wider canvas of exposure in a socio-cultural environment.
Vision is to have all our beneficiaries are self reliant, self employed and empowered after being exposed to various activities under various projects be it Education or Livelihood or skill training.
SKILL BUILDING, DIGITAL EDUCATION, CRAFT & SUSTAINABILITY, CHILDREN & COMMUNITY TALENT BUILDING, Celebrating 25 Years, Educationforthepoor, girlpower, girlchildeducation, womenempowerment, employ-enablement, Promote Volunteerism, upskillin, Girlchild, Buildingandtransforminglives, and Buildingresilientcommunities
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