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14 Rue du Marché Popincourt, 75011 Paris, France
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1 year, 7 months ago[Automatic translation follows] We recruit!
Valued cereals, revisited ramen:
The first noodles that recycle beer cereals
We make upcycled beer food!
Ramen your dresters are the first noodles crafted out of spent grains* used to make beer.
Nutritious & amp; ALTERNATIVE
This is a nutritious food alternative to fast food mostly unhealthy. Spent Grains are full of fibers and proteins, and are combined with a vegetable to make a full dish.
Pirates of Zero-Waste
Inspired from Japanese Style Noodles, It is a Nomad, Rebel and Sustainable Food Committed Dish, Taking Part of Circular Economy by Upclycling Micro-Breweries' Waste.
*Breweries' Spent Grains: Barley Malt Remains Used to make Beer (Alcohol Free)
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Ramen your dres are the first pirate noodles made handcrafted with cereals from the brewing of beer*.
A nutritious food alternative to fast dishes that are most often not balanced. Drêches are rich in fiber and vegetable proteins and are associated with a legume to form a complete dish.
Anti-Gaspi pirates
These Japanese inspiration noodles constitute a nomadic, Rebel dish and engaged in sustainable anti-waste food, participating in the circular economy by valuing the waste of craft brasseries.
*Brasseries Drêches: barley malt residues used for the manufacture of beer (alcohol -free)
Circular economy, innovation, sustainable diet, drêches upcycling, vegetable proteins, French craftsman, organic agriculture
Céréales valorisées, Ramen revisités :
les premières nouilles qui recyclent les céréales de la bière
We make Upcycled beer food!
Ramen tes drêches are the first noodles crafted out of spent grains* used to make beer.
This is a nutritious food alternative to fast food mostly unhealthy. Spent grains are full of fibers and proteins, and are combined with a legume to make a full dish.
Inspired from Japanese style noodles, it is a nomad, rebel and sustainable food committed dish, taking part of circular economy by upclycling micro-breweries' waste.
*Breweries' spent grains: barley malt remains used to make beer (alcohol free)
Ramen tes drêches ce sont les premières nouilles pirates fabriquées artisanalement à base des céréales issues du brassage de la bière*.
Une alternative alimentaire nutritive aux plats rapides le plus souvent pas équilibrés. Les drêches sont riches en fibres et en protéines végétales et sont associées à une légumineuse pour former un plat complet.
Ces nouilles d'inspiration japonaises constituent un plat nomade, rebel et engagé dans l’alimentation durable anti-gaspi, participant à l’économie circulaire en valorisant les déchets des brasseries artisanales.
*Drêches de brasseries : résidus du malt d'orge servant à la fabrication de la bière (sans alcool)
Economie circulaire, innovation, alimentation durable, upcycling des drêches, protéines végétales, artisan français, and Agriculture biologique
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