  • Value proposition

    Sustainable production of bioressources.

    2 main challenges must be tackled today :

    - Producing enough food for a growing population while limiting the carbon footprint and the use of non-renewable resources
    - Bringing a more sustainable treatment to the organic waste produced along the food chain

    Protifly was created with the ambition to bring an innovative, efficient and sustainable solution to these issues.

    Inspired by the power of insects, we converted a natural process into an efficient one with a positive environmental impact.

    Insect production, Bioconversion, Biotechnology, and Food Production

  • Original language

    Sustainable production of bioressources.

    2 main challenges must be tackled today :

    - Producing enough food for a growing population while limiting the carbon footprint and the use of non-renewable resources
    - Bringing a more sustainable treatment to the organic waste produced along the food chain

    Protifly was created with the ambition to bring an innovative, efficient and sustainable solution to these issues.

    Inspired by the power of insects, we converted a natural process into an efficient one with a positive environmental impact.

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