  • Value proposition

    Unlock the full potential of your preclinical studies with 3D imaging, image processing and our biological models

    Imactiv-3D mission is to assess the efficacy of a molecule of interest by using innovative imaging and quantification tools, and by implementing powerful image processing algorithms on relevant 3D models. Imactiv-3D is a fee-for-services company born from the meeting between biology, imaging and image processing experts.

    By working together, we have developed 3D imaging procedures to explore biological samples and image analysis algorithms to automatize and strengthen characterization and quantification on innovative 3D models. This complementary expertise along with our R&D service allow our customers to enhance their preclinical data as they can assess the efficacy of their compound or model with better biological relevance and reliability.

    3D imaging, 3D image analysis, 3D multicellular models, light sheet microscopy, biological assays, 3D immunofluorescence, image processing, Spheroide, tissues, Deep learning, artificial intelligence, and organoid

  • Original language

    From sample to valuation - Unlock the full potential of your in vitro and in/ex vivo studies

    Imactiv-3D offers a full spectrum of comprehensive services to power up your studies. Our team relies on its expertise in biology, imaging and image processing so you can make solid data-based decisions moving forward in your projects.
    Our goal is to give you access to more information, enhance your data reliability, in a cost- and timeeffective manner. This way, you can focus on your field of expertise while enjoying the latest innovation and technologies.
    To explore biological samples, Imactiv-3D develops imaging procedures and image analysis algorithms to automatize and strengthen characterization and quantification.
    You can choose the level of support you need with our range of services from biological model development to media realization.
    To face new scientific challenges, our experts are always glad to put their knowledge and know-how at the service of your innovation and be a key-player in your R&D process.

  • Imactiv-3D: 3D imaging, image processing and biology

    3D microscopy, automatic image analysis and biology to unlock the full potential of your preclinical studies by working with our experts.

  • https://www.imactiv-3d.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Optical systems, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Optical systems, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing

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Research, Research Services
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