Founded in 2009, VAUBAN SYSTEMS® is a French company specializing in the design and manufacture of comprehensive supervised security solutions for physical access control, video protection and anti-intrusion systems. Our solutions are available both in client-server mode (via our VISOR® supervision software) and in stand-alone mode (VERSO® + Web and SOOTouch® ranges). Many advanced features are now required for the protection of tertiary and industrial sites of all sizes. We respond to this with a single and unique range of products with no notion of license cost, which has a very economic impact. We are committed to transmitting our values of innovation, simplicity and service to encourage our customers to become VAUBAN SYSTEMS® ambassadors: our network of qualified installers is growing day by day. As an approved professional training center, we provide technical training to all of our partners and qualify some of them (Gold level) to make them prescribers of our technologies to design offices and end users. We also provide all our installers with a completely free hotline. Our positioning in the security market is resolutely focused on innovation and service allowing end users to manage their security with all the tools at their disposal (client workstations, web, smartphones and tablets). Our team is committed, responsive, available and agile regardless of the business sector to which it responds; we cultivate a sense of service on a daily basis. All our products (hardware and software) are designed, edited and manufactured in France "until the last weld"; they are guaranteed for 5 years and software updates are free. Our key figures: + 10,000 sites equipped worldwide + 60 secure doors every day + 1 team of experts always at your service" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="208202" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Vauban Systems"> 4,933
Entity types
7 Rue du Petit Albi, 95800 Cergy, France
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 18
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 year, 7 months agoSmart Access Control Together
Founded in 2009, VAUBAN SYSTEMS® is a French company specializing in the design and manufacture of comprehensive supervised security solutions for physical access control, video protection and anti-intrusion systems.
Our solutions are available both in client-server mode (via our VISOR® supervision software) and in stand-alone mode (VERSO® + Web and SOOTouch® ranges). Many advanced features are now required for the protection of tertiary and industrial sites of all sizes. We respond to this with a single and unique range of products with no notion of license cost, which has a very economic impact.
We are committed to transmitting our values of innovation, simplicity and service to encourage our customers to become VAUBAN SYSTEMS® ambassadors: our network of qualified installers is growing day by day. As an approved professional training center, we provide technical training to all of our partners and qualify some of them (Gold level) to make them prescribers of our technologies to design offices and end users. We also provide all our installers with a completely free hotline.
Our positioning in the security market is resolutely focused on innovation and service allowing end users to manage their security with all the tools at their disposal (client workstations, web, smartphones and tablets). Our team is committed, responsive, available and agile regardless of the business sector to which it responds; we cultivate a sense of service on a daily basis. All our products (hardware and software) are designed, edited and manufactured in France "until the last weld"; they are guaranteed for 5 years and software updates are free.
Our key figures:
+ 10,000 sites equipped worldwide
+ 60 secure doors every day
+ 1 team of experts always at your service
Contrôle d'accès physique, Solutions globales de sécurité supervisées, Supervision des systèmes anti-intrusion, Supervision de la vidéoprotection, Gestion sécuritaire des bâtiments et des personnes, and Gestion des clés et des badges
Fondée en 2009, VAUBAN SYSTEMS® est une entreprise française spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de solutions globales de sécurité supervisées pour le contrôle d’accès physique, la vidéoprotection et les systèmes anti-intrusion.
Nos solutions se déclinent aussi bien en mode client-serveur (via notre logiciel de supervision VISOR®) qu’en mode autonome (gammes VERSO®+ Web et SOOTouch®). De nombreuses fonctionnalités avancées sont désormais requises pour la protection de sites tertiaires et industriels de toutes tailles. Nous y répondons avec une seule et unique gamme de produits sans notion de coût de licence, très impactant économiquement.
Nous avons à cœur de transmettre nos valeurs d'innovation, de simplicité et de service pour inciter nos clients à devenir des ambassadeurs VAUBAN SYSTEMS® : notre réseau d’installateurs qualifiés grandit de jour en jour. Centre de formation professionnel agréé, nous délivrons des formations techniques à l’ensemble de nos partenaires et qualifions certains d’entre eux (niveau Gold) pour les rendre prescripteurs de nos technologies auprès des bureaux d’études et utilisateurs finaux. Nous mettons également à la disposition de tous nos installateurs une hotline entièrement gratuite.
Notre positionnement sur le marché de la sécurité est résolument tourné vers l'innovation et le service permettant à l'utilisateur final de pouvoir gérer sa sûreté avec l’ensemble des outils à sa disposition (postes clients, web, smartphones et tablettes). Notre équipe est engagée, réactive, disponible et agile quel que soit le secteur d’activité auquel elle répond ; nous cultivons le sens du service au quotidien. Tous nos produits (hardware et software) sont conçus, édités et fabriqués en France « jusqu’à la dernière soudure » ; ils sont garantis 5 ans et les mises à jour logiciel sont gratuites.
Nos chiffres clés :
+ 10 000 sites équipés dans le monde
+ 60 portes sécurisées chaque jour
+ 1 équipe d’experts en permanence à votre écoute