  • ikimo

    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    696 951 1,793
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    13600 La Ciotat, France

    La Ciotat


  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 10


  • Engaged corporates

    3 13
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Malins B2B tools to speed up the sale of new housing to live or invest
    1st New comparator 2014

    Ikimo develops technical solutions to facilitate and accelerate the sale of new housing, through 2 solutions:

    💻 Ikimotech, SaaS software to simplify the sale of new housing, to live or invest.

    🏠 Ikimoplace, your real estate marketplace integrated into a white label, on your site.
    Ikimo9, the 1st new accommodation comparator since 2014 ikimo9.com

    Tech to sell new housing more easily, what is it?
    🗺️ An interactive card
    📍 Info to guide you
    ⚖️ A dynamic comparator (the 1st since 2014 and it is very intelligent 😉)
    🔢 Calculation aid
    🏘️ an up -to -date stock of 38,000 dwellings

    Our tools are flexible, intelligent and accessible, because they are built with our customers.

    In Ikimo, humans are at the center of our development

    Ikimotech and Ikimoplace generated additional income for real estate agents, wealth advisers, banks, insurers.
    Our customers have understood this: IAD France, well here, independent CGP ...

    New real estate, Direct Promoter online meeting, first new real estate comparator, start-up, FrenchTech Pépite, Innovation, Bpiexcellence, Comparator, Marketplace, Real Estate, Proptech, and Software Saa

  • Original language

    Des outils B2B malins pour accélérer la vente de logements neufs pour habiter ou investir
    1 er comparateur du neuf 2014

    IKIMO développe des solutions techniques pour faciliter et accélérer la vente de logements neufs, à travers 2 solutions :

    💻 Ikimotech, logiciel SAAS pour simplifier la vente de logements neufs, pour habiter ou investir.

    🏠 Ikimoplace, votre marketplace immobilière intégrable en marque blanche, sur votre site.
    Ikimo9, le 1er comparateur de logements neufs depuis 2014 ikimo9.com

    De la tech pour vendre plus facilement des logements neuf, c’est quoi ?
    🗺️ Une carte interactive
    📍 des infos pour vous guider
    ⚖️ Un comparateur dynamique (Le 1er depuis 2014 et il est très intelligent 😉)
    🔢 Des aides aux calculs
    🏘️ Un stock à jour de + de 38000 logements

    Nos outils sont flexibles, intelligents et accessibles, car ils sont construits avec nos clients.

    Chez Ikimo, l’humain est au centre de notre développement

    ikimotech et ikimoplace générèrent des revenus complémentaires pour les agents immobiliers, conseillers en patrimoine, banques, assureurs..
    Nos clients l’ont bien compris : Iad France, Bien ici, Cgp indépendants...

    immobilier neuf, rendez-vous en ligne direct promoteur, premier comparateur en immobilier neuf, start-up, pépite frenchtech, innovation, bpiexcellence, comparateur, marketplace, real estate, proptech, and logiciel SAAS

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
La Tribune
La Tribune
Media, Newspapers
La Tribune
Media, Newspapers

27 Sep 2018

Real Estate
Real Estate

28 Jan 2021

Kaufman and Broad Kaufman and Broad
Real Estate
Not event

24 May 2019

28 Feb 2022

Real Estech
Real Estech
Real Estate, NGO, Think Tank
Real Estech
Real Estate, NGO, Think Tank
Not capitalistic

24 Apr 2018

Pépinière 27
Pépinière 27
Real Estate
Pépinière 27
Real Estate
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

20 May 2016

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Social network dynamics