A smart farming start-up | Indonesia | Building a more resilient & sustainable agriculture ecosystem in Indonesia. Share the same vision? hi@neurafarm.com" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="390725" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Neurafarm"> 87 1,737
Entity types
Jl. Tubagus Ismail, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 1
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 year, 10 months agoSmart Farming Startup in Indonesia | More Precise, More Impact
Neurafarm is a smart farming company with a singular mission: to improve productivity and resource-use efficiency in the Agriculture Industry through technology. We want to help achieve global food security, and build a more resilient & sustainable agriculture. Agriculture industry need to grow faster than the growth of population to fulfill global demand for food. We are here to provide services for farmers and/or agriculture enterprise to enhance their productivity.
One of our product is Dr. Tania, an AI-powered crop protection and management app that allows farmers to identify plant disease & pest, reduce risks, connect with experts and tap into bigger market.
Agriculture, Precision Farming, Agriculture Technology, Smart Farming, and Artificial Intelligence
How to feed the world? How to grow enough food for everyone on the planet? How to create a more sustainable agriculture? These are the questions we’re answering here at Neurafarm. Join our journey to empower farmer and business to produce more, reach more, and distribute better.