  • Cdiscount Advertising

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    314 4,434
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    120 Quai de Bacalan, 33300 Bordeaux, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 64


  • Engaged corporates

    1 11
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Partner of Market Place brands and sellers in their digital and retail media marketing strategies.

    3W Régie, the management that places consumption at the heart of its offer!

    "An internet user in the purchase phase, information research or good deals, is more receptive to advertising."

    This is the observation that 3W Régie made by highlighting an audience, from "consos" sites (e-commerce, classified ads, comparators, purchasing guides ...); More attentive: 61% of the audience 3W Régie is attentive to the advertisements vs 41.6% on average 1, and more reactive: 41% says that advertisements make it want to try/buy/use brands and products, vs 22% in average1.

    Via a complete offer (targeted display, direct marketing, special operations ...); and advanced targeting capacities; 3W Régie offers advertisers to receive this clearly identified audience at a key moment: at the heart of the purchasing decision.

    3W governed in a few figures:
    - a network of more than 20 supports in correlation with the purchase cycle (websites and mobile, MD bases),
    - 17.5m seen and 40% coverage of the French Internet user population 2
    - a regional commercial force present in 10 major French cities

    + info: www.3wregie.com / contact@3wregie.com

    1: Netobserver Observatory - Harris Interactive, Results Cdiscount sites and Price Minister - Spring 2012
    2: Médiamétrie // Netraings - December 2011

    Media solutions, direct marketing, private ad-exchange, data, transactional data, media retail, digital marketing, social retail, search, marketing precision, drive to store, drive to web, insights, and measurement of efficiency

  • Original language

    Partenaire des marques et des vendeurs Market place dans leurs stratégies Marketing digital et Retail media.

    3W Régie, la régie qui place la consommation au cœur de son offre !

    « Un internaute en phase d’achat, de recherche d’informations ou de bons plans, est plus réceptif à la publicité ».

    C’est le constat que 3W régie fait en mettant en avant une audience, issue de sites « consos » (e-commerce, petites annonces, comparateurs, guides achat ...) ; plus attentive : 61% de l’audience 3W Régie est attentive aux publicités vs 41.6% en moyenne1, et plus réactive : 41% affirme que les publicités lui donnent envie d’essayer/acheter/utiliser les marques et produits, vs 22% en moyenne1.

    Via une offre complète (display ciblé, marketing direct, opérations spéciales...) ; et des capacités de ciblage avancées ; 3W Régie propose aux annonceurs de toucher cette audience clairement identifiée à un moment clé : au cœur de la décision d’achat.

    3W Régie en quelques chiffres :
    - Un réseau de plus de 20 supports en corrélation avec le cycle d’achat (sites web et mobile, bases MD),
    - 17.5M de VU et 40% de taux de couverture de la population internaute française 2
    - Une force commerciale régionale présente dans 10 grandes villes françaises

    + d’infos : www.3wregie.com / contact@3wregie.com

    1 : Observatoire NetObserver – Harris Interactive, résultats sites Cdiscount et Price Minister - Printemps 2012
    2 : Médiamétrie // NetRatings – Décembre 2011

    Solutions média, Marketing direct, Ad-exchange privé, Data, Données transactionnelles, retail media, marketing digital, social retail, Search, Precision Marketing, Drive to store, Drive to Web, Insights, and Mesure d'efficacité

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Journal du Net
Journal du Net
Online Audio and Video Media
Journal du Net
Online Audio and Video Media

29 Jun 2023

Cosmetics, Personal Care Product Manufacturing
Cosmetics, Personal Care Product Manufacturing

10 Feb 2023

Dia & Co
Dia & Co
Semiconductors, Retail Apparel and Fashion
Dia & Co
Semiconductors, Retail Apparel and Fashion

17 Dec 2022

Groupe SEB
Groupe SEB
Consumer Goods, Manufacturing
Groupe SEB
Consumer Goods, Manufacturing

19 Sep 2023

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

17 Dec 2022

Industry, Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Industry, Automation Machinery Manufacturing

28 Oct 2022

Manifacturing tools, Software Development
Manifacturing tools, Software Development

28 Oct 2022

Groupe Casino
Groupe Casino
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Groupe Casino
Retail and Distribution, Retail

25 Nov 2022

IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

31 May 2022

Publicis Groupe
Publicis Groupe
Advertising, Advertising Services
Publicis Groupe
Advertising, Advertising Services

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