  • Value proposition

    Getting Hydrogen to Work

    For marine applications such as electrical generators on ocean-going vessels, main propulsion for inland / coastal vessels, and power for refrigerated containers,hydrogen-powered PEM fuel cells are the logical choice to achieve “low-to-no” carbon emissions in keeping with IMO 2030/50 and other regulations. In fact, fuel cells already have many advantages over diesel engines, such as fuel efficiency, low maintenance and repair costs, and no other harmful emissions such as particulates, SOX and NOX.

    The big question is how to deliver hydrogen onboard safely and efficiently; the answer is the methanol-to-hydrogen generator technology being developed by e1 Marine. The e1 Marine hydrogen generator solution makes the hydrogen generator / fuel cell combination a near-term reality and an attractive choice even as compared to diesel generators today.

  • Methanol-to-Hydrogen generated power for shipping - e1 Marine

    e1 Marine's methanol to hydrogen generation technology drives the energy transition in shipping. Learn more about our sustainable and innovative solutions here.

  • https://www.e1marine.com/
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