  • Value proposition

    We design and manufacture oceanographic instruments to measure the blue planet.

    We create instruments to measure the blue planet. From the ocean abyss to the polar ice cap, our sensors track water parameters – temperature, depth, salinity, dissolved gases, pH, and many others. With design and manufacturing centrally located in Ottawa, our team works in a fast-paced, dynamic atmosphere to serve customers from all corners of the globe.


    water monitoring and testing, water quality monitoring systems, advanced oceanography technology, data loggers, engineering services, oceanographic instruments, CTDs, Tide & wave measurement, Water temperature and pressure, and Biogeochemical

  • RBR | World Leading Oceanographic Instruments

    RBR creates instruments to measure the blue planet. From the ocean abyss to the polar ice cap, our sensors track critical water parameters.

  • https://rbr-global.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Government Administration
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Government Administration

20 Dec 2022

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