  • Value proposition

    We believe that fruits and vegetables should be available in any shape, anytime, anywhere.

    88% of Europeans do not reach the 5 portions of fruits and vegetables recommended daily by the leading scientific studies, researchers, nutritionists and doctors.

    Our mission is to enable people to live healthier lives by promoting the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

    Eating enough fruits and vegetables every day can provide more energy, better concentration, glowing skin, reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases and positively influence long-term health.

    Learn more at www.fruggies.com

    fruits and veggies, organic certified, health, smoothies, plant-based, foodtech, fiber, fruits, veggies, vegetables, and direct-to-consumer

  • Original language

    We believe that fruits and vegetables should be available in any shape, anytime, anywhere.

    88% of Europeans do not reach the 5 portions of fruits and vegetables recommended daily by the leading scientific studies, researchers, nutritionists and doctors.

    Our mission is to enable people to live healthier lives by promoting the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

    Eating enough fruits and vegetables every day can provide more energy, better concentration, glowing skin, reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases and positively influence long-term health.

    Learn more at www.fruggies.com

  • Fruggies — Votre dose quotidienne de fruits & légumes

    Se sentir en forme et plein d'énergie — Fruggies® est votre dose quotidienne de fruits et légumes, soigneusement lyophilisés pour conserver toutes les fibres, vitamines, minéraux. Fruggies® rend l'apport de fruits et légumes, plus facile, plus rapide et vous aide à combler vos carences nutritionnelles.

  • https://fruggies.com/
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