  • Vallair

    Created in 2003
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
  • Social networks

    626 12,471
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Luxembourg Airport (LUX), Rue de Trèves, 2632 Findel, Luxembourg



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 318

  • Engaged corporates

    3 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    Freighter Conversions, MRO, Teardown, Aerostructures, Component Support, Engines, Trading & Leasing

    Vallair is a multi-faceted aviation business that maximises the life and value of aircraft, engines and parts.

    Integrated expertise and an innovative approach to aviation services provide customers and partners with unmatched value. For those operators seeking affordable yet reliable assets to lease or acquire, service solutions that exceed expectations technically and commercially, or economic and efficient disposal of older assets, Vallair is the go to service provider.

    Headquartered in Luxembourg with facilities in Chateauroux and Montpellier in France, Vallair provides support for mature aircraft, engines and major components; it is a leading player in the trading and leasing of A320 family, A330, ATRs and B737 aircraft.

    Vallair offers aircraft operators and owners worldwide cost-effective solutions to extend the life of their assets, or transition them in a prudent and environmentally acceptable way.

    Six complementary business units are founded upon engineering excellence: Trading & Leasing offers a wide range of highly flexible trading and leasing solutions; Aircraft Teardown acquires and disassembles mature aircraft, repairs and overhauls components; Engines provides support solutions for CFM56 and V2500 operators, from basic teardown and repair services, to parts trading, standard exchanges and asset leasing; Aerostructures; MRO & Paint; and Cargo Conversions.

    Vallair specialises in the acquisition of mature A320, B737 and ATR aircraft. To date, the company has acquired more than 25x A320s’, 20x B737s’, 4x ATRs’ and 40x CFM56-3/-5 and V2500 Powerplants.

    Vallair is a founding member of the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA), an International Association tasked to improve aircraft industry sustainability by promoting safe and environmental proactive management of the world's aging aircraft fleet.

    To learn more visit: www.vallair.aero

    Aircraft Trading & Leasing, Engine Trading & Leasing, Spare Parts Sales and Inventory Management, Commercial Aircraft Disassembly and Recycling, Consultancy Services for Aircraft Maintenance and Engine Shop, Cargo Conversions, and MRO & Paint

  • Home - Vallair

    Vallair is an international aviation company focused on maximising the life and value of aircraft, engines and parts.

  • https://vallair.aero/
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