H+E Group are one of the leading manufacturers in plant engineering for industrial water treatment, wastewater purification and water recovery. Over more than 90 years, the company has successfully realised many plants in different markets. Our industrial portfolio ranges from Semiconductor & Solar, Food & Beverage, to Power Plants and Chemistry. In addition to the headquarter in Stuttgart H+E has offices in United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy and Singapore. The VISION of HAGER + ELSÄSSER ® “If fresh water becomes process water and then wastewater, wastewater must also become fresh water again.” 90 years ago, long before water treatment became an important issue in the industry, this idea became the central motivation of Willy Hager, founder of HAGER+ELSÄSSER. Following his vision, our experts have since developed countless patents and proprietary process technologies. Thus, HAGER+ELSÄSSER has become one of the global leaders in technologies for integral water management. Today, we accept the challenges of even the most difficult problems of water processing. To this end, we offer the unparalleled potential of our in-house research and development." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="176101" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="H+E Group I HAGER + ELSÄSSER®"> 3,742
Entity types
Ruppmannstraße 33B, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 96
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
2 years agoWater is our most precious resource and that is exactly how we treat it.
Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment.
H+E Group are one of the leading manufacturers in plant engineering for industrial water treatment, wastewater purification and water recovery. Over more than 90 years, the company has successfully realised many plants in different markets. Our industrial portfolio ranges from Semiconductor & Solar, Food & Beverage, to Power Plants and Chemistry.
In addition to the headquarter in Stuttgart H+E has offices in United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy and Singapore.
“If fresh water becomes process water and then wastewater, wastewater must also become fresh water again.” 90 years ago, long before water treatment became an important issue in the industry, this idea became the central motivation of Willy Hager, founder of HAGER+ELSÄSSER.
Following his vision, our experts have since developed countless patents and proprietary process technologies. Thus, HAGER+ELSÄSSER has become one of the global leaders in technologies for integral water management. Today, we accept the challenges of even the most difficult problems of water processing. To this end, we offer the unparalleled potential of our in-house research and development.
industrial waste water and water treatment, recycling facilities, water treatment, engineering, Technology, condensate treatment, Ultra Pure Water, Sugar Industry, flue gas desulphurisation, Semiconductor Industry, Anaerobic Treatment, Zero Liquid Discharge, Brownfield, COD Removal, Feed Water Treatment, Spent Caustic Treatment, Membranes, MBR, Power Plants, and Oil & Gas Industry