  • Marianne Argentina

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    700 842
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  • Location

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Buenos Aires


  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 24

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  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Association of French-Argentine professional women who are leaders in their fields of action. We promote ties between the two countries.

    Marianne is the organization of women linked to France, professionally active and leaders in their fields of action. It was created in Argentina with the institutional sponsorship of the French Embassy to promote ties between countries and France, through outstanding women in business, science, the arts, culture. The Association takes its name from Marianne, the allegorical figure who symbolizes the Republic of France and the values ​​of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
    Marianne-Argentina was created in 2010.
    Marianne- Uruguay was created in 2016 on the initiative of Marianne Argentina, to integrate a network of countries linked to France through professional women.

    Marianne is an organization of women linked to France, professionally active and experts in their fields of activity. Marianne-Argentina est née sous the patronage institutionnel de l’Ambassade de France dans l’idée de promouvoir les liens entre l’Argentine et la France à travers des femmes françaises et argentines. L'association rassemble des femmes exceptionnelles dans le monde des affairs, des sciences, des arts et de la culture. Marianne's name represents the allégorique figure that symbolizes the French Republic and the values ​​of Liberté, Egalité and Fraternité.
    Marianne-Argentina is born in 2010. Marianne-Uruguay left in 2016 under the initiative of Marianne-Argentine, to build a database of countries connected to France through women's professions.

    Marianne-Argentina is the Argentine-French network of key women in diverse fields. It was born with the institutional patronage of the French Embassy in our country, with the idea of ​​promoting bonds between Argentina and France by means of outstanding women in the fields of business, science, art, culture. The association was named after Marianne, the allegorical figure symbolizing the Republic of France and the values ​​of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
    Marianne Argentina was created in 2010. Marianne Uruguay was born in 2016 under Marianne-Argentina’s initiative, to integrate a network of countries related to France through professional women.

  • Original language

    Asoc.de mujeres franco argentinas profesionales referentes en sus áreas de acción. Promovemos lazos entre los 2 países.

    Marianne es la organización de mujeres vinculadas a Francia, activas profesionalmente y referentes en sus áreas de acción. Nació en Argentina con el patrocinio institucional de la Embajada de Francia para promover los lazos entre los países y Francia, mediante mujeres destacadas en los negocios, las ciencias, las artes, la cultura. La Asociación toma su nombre de Marianne, la figura alegórica que simboliza la República de Francia y los valores de Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
    Marianne-Argentina se creó en 2010.
    Marianne- Uruguay nació en 2016 por iniciativa de Marianne Argentina, para integrar así una red de países vinculados a Francia a través de las mujeres profesionales.

    Marianne est une organisation de femmes en lien avec la France, professionnellement actives et expertes dans leurs domaines d’activité. Marianne-Argentina est née sous le patronage institutionnel de l’Ambassade de France dans l’idée de promouvoir les liens entre l’Argentine et la France à travers des femmes françaises et argentines. L’association rassemble des femmes exceptionnelles dans le monde des affaires, des sciences, des arts et de la culture. Le nom de Marianne représente la figure allégorique qui symbolise la République Française et les valeurs de la Liberté, l’Egalité et la Fraternité.
    Marianne-Argentina est née en 2010.
    Marianne-Uruguay démarre en 2016 sous l’initiative de Marianne-Argentine, pour construire un réseau de pays connectés à la France à travers les femmes professionnelles.

    Marianne-Argentina is the Argentine-French network of key women in diverse fields. It was born with the institutional patronage of the French Embassy in our country, with the idea of promoting bonds between Argentina and France by means of outstanding women in the fields of business, science, art, culture. The association was named after Marianne, the allegorical figure symbolizing the Republic of France and the values of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
    Marianne Argentina was created in 2010.
    Marianne Uruguay was born in 2016 under Marianne-Argentina’s initiative, to integrate a network of countries related to France through professional women.

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