  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Showroom for future solutions for more climate-friendly construction 🏡

    Klimakassen is a collaboration between Frederikssund Municipality, the developer Fabulas and a number of other similarly future-oriented construction industry professionals who want to showcase the many opportunities there are to turn the Danish construction industry into a pioneer in the field of climate, and an inspiration for the rest of the world.

    This happens in the joint project Klimakassen - an interactive showroom where you can experience the many good solutions in the home of the future.

    We must readjust our construction methods and processes so that we can create a balance in the climate accounting of the future. We can already do that on many fronts today – even more efficiently. Therefore, the biggest goal of the Klimakassen is that it becomes CO2-neutral, both during behavior and during its lifetime.

    Together, we hope that more type houses, where we build most new construction, can become more climate-friendly and long-lasting. This is how we can push the construction industry even further in a more sustainable direction for the future.

  • Original language

    Showroom for fremtidens løsninger til mere klimavenligt byggeri 🏡

    Klimakassen er et samarbejde mellem Frederikssund Kommune, bygherren Fabulas og en række andre ligeledes fremtidsorienterede byggebranchefolk, der vil fremvise de mange muligheder der er, for at vende den danske byggebranche til at være banebrydende indenfor klima, og en inspiration for resten af verden.

    Det sker i det fælles projekt Klimakassen - et interaktivt showroom, hvor du kan opleve de mange gode løsninger i fremtidens bolig.

    Vi skal omstille vores byggemetoder og processer, så vi kan skabe balance i fremtidens klimaregnskab. Det kan vi allerede gøre på mange fronter i dag – endda mere effektivt. Derfor er det største mål med Klimakassen at den bliver CO2-neutral, både under opførsel og i dets levetid.

    Sammen håber man at flere typehuse, der hvor vi bygger mest nybyggeri, kan blive mere klimavenlige og langtidsholdbare. Sådan kan vi skubbe byggebranchen endnu længere i en mere bæredygtig retning for fremtiden.

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31 Aug 2022

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