ALLICE's mission is to federate and innovate to decarbonise industry. The alliance has 3 major missions: to bring together all the players in the sector to innovate collectively to decarbonise industry (industrial operators, solution providers, energy suppliers, specifiers, design offices, financing players, research laboratories and skills centres, professional federations and organisations, etc.); to support the development of a range of high-performance, differentiating decarbonisation solutions in France and internationally, and to support industrialists in accelerating their decarbonisation. It is a neutral organisation that facilitates exchanges and is capable of bringing together players who are currently dispersed, taking into account the economic dimension of the sector. With a cross-functional approach, ALLICE facilitates technology transfer and the emergence of projects enriched by the diversity of stakeholders. Created in 2018, on the initiative of CETIAT, in association with CETIM, CTCPA and Blunomy (then ENEA Consulting), joined in 2020 by CTIF and CTMNC, and supported by ADEME. At the start of 2023, ALLICE will have more than 100 members and partners, and has already produced around twenty collective works. Find out more about ALLICE on its website or contact " title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="172962" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Alliance ALLICE"> 2,955
Entity types
25 Av. des Arts, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 9
839948429Engaged corporates
35Added in Motherbase
2 years, 3 months agoFederate and innovate to decarbonise industry
ALLICE's mission is to federate and innovate to decarbonise industry. The alliance has 3 major missions: to bring together all the players in the sector to innovate collectively to decarbonise industry (industrial operators, solution providers, energy suppliers, specifiers, design offices, financing players, research laboratories and skills centres, professional federations and organisations, etc.); to support the development of a range of high-performance, differentiating decarbonisation solutions in France and internationally, and to support industrialists in accelerating their decarbonisation. It is a neutral organisation that facilitates exchanges and is capable of bringing together players who are currently dispersed, taking into account the economic dimension of the sector. With a cross-functional approach, ALLICE facilitates technology transfer and the emergence of projects enriched by the diversity of stakeholders. Created in 2018, on the initiative of CETIAT, in association with CETIM, CTCPA and Blunomy (then ENEA Consulting), joined in 2020 by CTIF and CTMNC, and supported by ADEME. At the start of 2023, ALLICE will have more than 100 members and partners, and has already produced around twenty collective works. Find out more about ALLICE on its website or contact
Efficacité énergétique , Innovation, Décarbonation, Technologies, Energies alternatives, Transition numérique, Industrie 4.0, Récupération de chaleur , and Ecoparcs industriels
Fédérer et innover pour décarboner l'industrie
ALLICE a pour vocation de fédérer et d'innover pour décarboner l'industrie.
L’alliance a 3 missions majeures : rassembler l'ensemble des acteurs de la filière pour innover collectivement au service de la décarbonation de l'industrie (industriels exploitants, offreurs de solutions, énergéticiens, prescripteurs, bureaux d'étude, acteurs du financement, laboratoires de recherche et centres de compétences, fédérations et organisations professionnelles, etc.) ; soutenir le développement d'une offre de solutions de décarbonation performante et différenciante en France et à l'international, et soutenir les industriels dans l'accélération de leur décarbonation.
Elle est une structure d'animation neutre, facilitatrice des échanges, capable de rassembler des acteurs aujourd’hui dispersés, en tenant compte de la dimension économique de la filière. Avec une approche transversale, ALLICE facilite le transfert de technologies et l'émergence de projets enrichis par la diversité des parties prenantes.
Créée en 2018, à l’initiative du CETIAT, associé au CETIM, CTCPA et Blunomy (alors ENEA Consulting), rejoints en 2020 par le CTIF et le CTMNC, soutenue par l’ADEME. ALLICE compte début 2023 plus de 100 membres et partenaires et a déjà produit une vingtaine de travaux collectifs.
Retrouvez ALLICE sur son site internet ou contactez
Créée à l’initiative du CETIAT qui s’est associé au CETIM, CTCPA et ENEA, ALLICE (Alliance Industrielle pour la Compétitivité et l’Efficacité Énergétique)
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