  • Semantic Systems

    Created in 2002
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Activities

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  • Location

    Txorierri Etorbidea, 9, 2º, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 207

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Creamos Tecnología

    The Company belongs to Information Technology and Communications sector.
    Semantic Systems is a software provider, systems integrator and applications integrator.

    As software provider, we are developing an own software platform called "repcon"​, and we are selling three main applications:
    - repcon configurator: software configurator tool to improve sales and industrial proceedings
    - repcon invoices: software to digitalize and automate suppliers paper invoices
    - repcon krp: software collaboration tool to integrate and share information from ERP, data bases, legacy software, ...

    As integrator systems, we are an expert managed services provider, very innovative on paid per use infraestructure services:
    - hosting and housing applications and ERP sw
    - collaboration software
    - backup managed services
    - Virtual Desktop Infraestructure
    - desktop and User support services
    - communications network prescription

    As applications integrator, Semantic Systems provides consultant services to implement and maintain business software at industrial sector (ERP,BI, SCH, ..). We belong to Infor Global Channel Partner and we are specialized in Infor ERP (Baan and LN). Also we are working in SAP customers helping them to get its installations in "ready"​ status.

    Consultoría Digital, Cloud Computing, Comunicaciones OT/IT, Ciberseguridad, Outsourcing IT, ERP, Industria 4.0, Automatización de procesos, and Análisis de datos

  • Semantic Systems

    Ofrecemos de forma integrada nuestras capacidades en el ámbito de los sistemas de información, telecomunicaciones y desarrollo de software

  • https://www.semantic-systems.com/
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